Postings on starting to lived in a scared way: A beginners guide to all the absolute basics you need to know to step into true power
Arriving Phase
* There should be an lit candle in the Center, as well as the Incense, some stones (or crystals or soil), a feather, and a bowl of water (or a chalice of holy water or bottle of flower water perfume).
When you are ready . . .
The Offering Phase
(In all cases, the wording is a suggestion. Say something like . . . )
Earth beneath me, Sustainer of Life;
Air around me, Inspiring all of Life;
Fire of Stars above me, Empowerment of Life;
Water within me, Refreshing of Life.
Take the incense holder and the feather in your hand, if you wish, or picture it with your Otherworld sight. Smell the incense smoke rising around you. Breathe deeply and feel the Air enter your body. If you are outdoors, feel the breeze blowing across your skin. (If you are inside, you may wish to use a small fan so that you can feel the Air moving about you.) Let your awareness begin in your lungs, and emerge from your nose and mouth to spread outward from your body in a dome. Sense the Air all around you. Extend your awareness farther, through clouds, through flying birds, and be aware of the Air that envelopes you and all the Earth. Concentrate on your breathing and imagine that all the air around is made of a pure white light that you are taking in. you inhale the light and exhale the light. Breath in and hold the breath for about three seconds. Make sure your diaphragm is rising as much as your chest so that you know that the air is getting all the way down into your lungs. Start out breathing in through your nose and out through you mouth. Then once you are relaxed into the meditation and comfortable just allow your body to breath and out through the nose. Be one with the Air.
Say something like: May the Life-giving purity of the Air inspire me, enrich my blood, and be always a part of my being.
When you are ready . . .
Take the candle in your hand, if you wish, or picture it with your Otherworld sight. Feel the warmth of the flame as it glows before you. Imagine the Stars overhead, or, if you prefer, the Sun. Imagine Sun or Star directly overhead, beaming light and warmth through the Heavens toward Earth, toward you where you sit. Down, down through the atmosphere, the beam travels, the energy-giving, living power of Fire. Imagine it entering your head and illuminating the brain cavity. Your brow begins to glow, as your head is filled with Light. Fire in your eyes is a sign to the World of your inspiration. Imagine the Light traveling down further, to your heart, Fire of Love; to your stomach, Fire of Metabolism; to your loins, Fire of Creation. Feel your oneness with Fire. You can also visualize the burning bush, the pillar of fire, a torch, or a lamp. Be at one with the fire.
Say something like: May the empowering energy of the Fires of the Universe ever be a part of my being.
When you are ready . . .
Take the bowl of Water in your hands, if you wish, or picture it with your Otherworld sight. Dip your fingers in it. Feel the cool wetness. Raise it to your lips and drink, a deep drink. Feel the cool wetness as it goes down your throat and enters your stomach. Or you can simply anoint, baptize, or consecrate yourself with the water. If you are carefully aware, you can feel it begin to radiate out through your body’s tissues. Feel the coolness as it spreads through your cells. Be aware of the water that makes up most of your body. Let your memory go back to the womb-water from whence these waters came, and further back to the sea water from which your ancestors emerged. You can also imagine theJordan river , or any other
river. You can imagine the ritual bathing, hand, and foot washing that went on
at the temple. You can also visualize the mists of Avalon, and the waters
surrounding the holy isle. Feel the currents and tides your bodily fluids. Be
at one with Water.
Say something like: May the cleansing and refreshing power of Water ever be a part of my being.
* Open your eyes, and return to your natural sight
* Thank God for everything, then pay respects to the elements, the guardians, and any other helpers that may have came (the bre’hon).
close the circle. In my tradition we always create ritual space counter clockwise and close the space clockwise. Most pagan ritual practitioners will greatly disagree with me on this issue. They are welcome to their own opinions. My opinion is this; I create sacred space counter clockwise or widdershins to banish negative energies and to work outside of time and space. I close the sacred space clockwise to release the creative energies that I have wielded to do their workings in the world. Be sure and release any and all excess energies with all love and appreciation.
* Sound a musical signal
* The Rite is concluded
Spiritual Giftings, Basic Healing Work, and Basic Prayer work!
What are your main spiritual gifts?
I would figure out my top two gifts and work with them first. The following is a list of spiritual gifts and what metaphysical gifts they fall under or are categorized by.
The list of metaphysical gifts (extra sensory perceptions and spiritual designations or ministries), and other gifts (personality traits, crafts, skills, abilities, careers, and vocations) that fall under their domain:
Clairsentience (feeling / touching):
Feeling, touching, sensing, intuition, psycometry, Telekenises / psycokinesis, instinctual, gut feeling, discernment, sculpting, gardening, farming, growing herbs, healing, putting on the aromour of God, spiritual warrior, physical or massage therapist, empathy or impathy, comforter, distinguishing between spirits, pyrokeniesis
The ability to tap into the collective unconscious or the akashic records is tied to the gift of psycometry
Clairalience (smelling):
Clairalience, and clairgustence are really extensions or specific types of clairsentience.
Smelling spiritual scents, smelling spirits, smelling the roses (being grateful – thankful – appreciative), smelling when “something is rotten in demark” (this is a type of discernment), hightend sense of smell, good at anointing and aromatherapy, diagnosing, detective work, flower essences, baker, tea maker, healing,
Clairgustance (tasting):
Tasting spiritual tastes, manifesting, miracle working, speaking in tongues, words of wisdom or power, asking the right questions, testing the spirits, prayer warrior, singing and musician, cook, potion brewer, healing,
Clairaudience (hearing / listening):
Guidance, listening to the conscience ~ that small still voice of God within us that will on occasion scream to get our attention, hearing spirits – sounds – and voices in the ethers (the different planes of existence, hearing celestial music or the music of life, hearing teachers, interpretation, interpreting tongues, singing and musician, writing and poetry,
Telepathy, counseling, secretarial work, healing,
Claircognizance (knowing):
Precognition, prophecy (and the office of prophet), premonition can fit into this as well, information receiver, psychic, administration, teaching, preaching, foresight, empowering, organizing, secretarial work could fit under this as well, healing, testimony,
Clairvoyance (seeing):
Seership – the seer, the sight (second sight, third eye, highland sight, fairie sight), visionary, dreamer, vision questing, astral projection and travel, professional traveler, painter, most types of artistry, seeing the spiritual gifts of others and determining the best way to help them tap into – practice- and utilize those gifts, healing, dream interpretation, aura interpretation, chakra reading, seeing the beauty and potential in others, mediumship, casting out unclean spirits and demons,
Now if you are astute you will have noticed that there is one word that went under all of these categories; The word healing. When you are a healer you must tap into all of these to some respect or degree. All of God’s royal children (saved or born again) have all of these gifts within them, however there will always be between one and three that stand out the most as the main gifts of that an individual. God’s other children have many of these gifts although there are some gifts that are reserved for his royal children which is only to be expected. This has to do with spiritual evolution, and having a deep, eternal, abiding relationship with God. However we can all learn how to tap into most of these and utilize them as needed.
Healing work for novices:
This is basic fundamental knowledge for doing healing work;
If you are doing healing work and you can’t seem to get a fix on what the problem is, than just say a prayer; and say, “Lord I don’t know what the problem or the situation is but I know that you do! So please send your power to find the problem and fix it. Please use me as a vessel for your Holy Spirit to come and work through”! For those that have never been trained in any type of healing modality like reiki but wish to do healing work than just ask that God use you as a vessel, and to protect and help you; then lay your hands on the person and pray for them; imagine them being healed, and think good thoughts for them! You should learn at the very least how to ground and center yourself, and how to shield yourself before attempting any kind of healing work. In cases of emergency ask God to protect you and help you, ground you and center you, and shield you! You do not want to take on other people’s issues and energies. This is why learning the grounding and shielding processes is so important!
Remember that your body is a temple of which your spirit is the inner sanctum. “Where attention goes energy flows” said James Redfield. He also said that you could say it this way, “where intention goes energy flows”. Be aware of your self.
“watch your thoughts they become your words. Watch your words they become your actions. Watch your actions they become your habits. What your habits they become your character. And Watch your character for it becomes your destiny.”
Original wise author unknown.
Remember also, you as a healer are not the source of healing but merely a vessel for it!
Further insights on how to pray:
Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. We are all familiar with these words. But let me change your perception of them. Be careful what you pray for because you will get it in some way, form, or fashion. Though it may not look like what you asked for at all. Be careful with your words and thoughts because they have power. Prayer is not just what you say. Prayer is an energy that you hold inside you; it is a field that you perpetually generate with your thoughts, words, actions, meditations, contemplations, musings, and even your unconscious thoughts. Praying doesn’t change God it changes us. It is how we connect with God, and a particular thought, or dream, or wish. We make requests from God all the time whether we know it or not. We need to become aware of this and begin to discipline and control our thoughts, and our minds. Take captive every thought. And in this way we can begin to create and generate better, bigger, clearer, purer, and much more effective and more beautiful prayer fields as james redfield calls them. We need to start instituting and restoring true prayer. This has started to happen but we need to accelerate the process. Because now that we are no innocent of it and we know the truth about prayer and have it in our consciousness then we will be held more responsible for how we use it, and what we co-create and manifest with the power God has given us to wield. We need to not place demands on God because it is rude and dangerous for us to do so. It works against our own best interest. Because we can not always see the inherent danger of what we might ask. Be careful about what desires that you allow your heart to linger on. They will take their toll. If they are good then you will find the energy of grace blessing you, and if they are bad then you will doom yourself to allowing negative energy to pollute and toxify your being, your body temple and the inner temple of your spirit. “Where attention goes energy flows” said james redfiled. He also said that you could say it this way, “where intention goes energy flows”. Be aware of your self.
“watch your thoughts they become your words. Watch your words they become your actions. Watch your actions they become your habits. What your habits they become your character. And Watch your character for it becomes your destiny.”
Original wise author unknown.
One should never pray for God to just give them wisdom and knowledge. They will not respect the information they did not have to earn. Wisdom that isn’t earned can become dangerous. One will not truly understand the power they wield or see all the ways they can go awry. One should instead pray that God help them to become wise. That he make them wise. Then he will bless them by having events happen in their life to teach them wisdom, as he did for Solomon of old.
One should never pray that God give them unspecified power. They should ask that he help them to step into power, that he give them a specific power, or that he make them powerful by becoming the power that they seek.
Ones prayers should mainly consist of worshiping God, talking with him as a friend and a lover. One should keep petitioning prayers at a minimum. Just talking to God and saying thank you is a very good prayer. He already knows your prayers, needs, wants, desires, and longings. Praying doesn’t change him it changes us. Prayer changes our internal and external reality. He will give you what you ask for so be careful what you ask for. Though he always answers our prayers, sometimes for our own good he supersedes our free will and says no to us. Sometimes when we say we don’t want something to happen he gives it to us despite our request. God always answers our prayers; and he has three answers; yes, no, and later! We should not seek to live life by our will; we should learn to say “this is what I pray Lord, yet not my will but thine be done! Make my will one with yours Lord God! I will to will they will”!
If you read the lords prayer and truly understand what Christ taught us about praying it will change the way you pray; your attitude toward prayer. Christ didn’t espouse a weak prayer saying “oh God please give this retched miserable sinner some food and drink, and cloths, and money, and status, and health”. No he prayed a prayer of power that is an affirmation more then a request. He said God let your kingdom come and your will be done as above so below. Then he went on to say give us this day our daily bread, protect us, teach us what is right, and forgive us for our sins. The most miraculous thing about everything he told us to ask for was the tone of the request. He requested things in such a way as if to say that God had already given them to him. He said give us this day what we need and then he moved on, because He already knew The Father was taking care of it.
Always test the spirits and know who you are dealing with. Scripture says that any spirit that professes that Jesus (Yashua) came in the flesh is of God. So ask whatever spirit you are dealing with if Jesus came in the flesh, and if they say yes then they are ok, and if they say something else then send them away.
Manifestation charm:
(pray to God and ask him to hear your prayer, align yourself to divine will for the highest good of all, visualize, and intend desire)
my power is one with the all power
my speech is one with the word
my will is the will of heaven
my prayer will now unfold
I pray to the God for guidance to reveal to me my path
I pray to the God for work something good to last
I evinvoke to my life abundance prosperity and grace
That all my needs may be met
And my wants to fruition swiftly pace!
So shall it be!
note; i combined the words evoke and invoke into evinvoke for my own ritual work. it is quicker and easier and Spirit knows what I mean!
In our Reiki classes I have found that people were coming who had no clue about how energy worked at all. So I had to go back the absolute basics for them. I decided that on my blog site I should also put a few posts about beginners energy and ritual work and healing. So thought that I would start with grounding which is the most important and the most basic. It is also the bases for all energy work or should be!
Beginners grounding methodology
Drink copious amounts of water not just to hydrate the body, but in order to keep the electromagnetic field connected through the entire body.
Take off your shoes when you first start learning to ground, as shoes can short circuit the natural grounding mechanism in your subtle body interfering with the body’s energetic connection to the planet. Eventually this will not be a hindrance to you.
After sessions if you feel there is still “dirty”, stagnant, or negatively charged energy in your field than you can do a variety of things; soak in a warm bath of sea salt and or essential oils for twenty minutes or more, or smudge yourself with white sage and or juniper and lavender. Another way to release unwanted energy in your field is to go outside and get on your knees on the ground and this will activate the small chakras in your knees which will help give you a slight grounding naturally. Simple contact with the earth will activate these chakras. Taking the unwanted energy out of yourself and putting it into the air or the earth will cleanse you, and clear and recycle the energy into pure energy. Carrying a grounding stone is another good way to keep connection to the planetary energies; crystals, black stones (like hematite or onyx), and green stones (like malachite or jade) work best for this. Putting a true copper penny in your shoes, or wearing copper, silver, or magnetic jewelry will help in the grounding process.
Imagine a waterfall (of pure water, or pure light) flowing down over your head, keeping you connected to the planet and washing away any unwanted energy within or without. This will help keep your energies clear, healthy, and focused.
Imagine a shaft or fiber optic rod of light starting just over your head and going down deep into your spine, and then extending down into the earth. Imagine then that all the dark energy is being swept up in and by this shaft of light, being carried and taken down into the earth; allowing you to utilize the pure energy of the shaft of light leaving you energized and powerful.
When you take a shower you can close your eyes and imagine the water flowing over your head and down your body is filled with the energy of light. It starts out clear, and then turns white, followed by gold, and then silver. Then it turns all the colors of the rainbow and the chakras; red, orange, yellow, green, sky blue, cobalt or indigo blue, and then purple, followed by pink, before finally turning white and then pure clear again. This pure water with its bright illumination showers you with life force, energy, power, and knowledge. Imagine this liquid light created by God grounds you and centers you. Ask God to help you to become wise!
Spirit-Hand Grounding and Centering method
To begin to learn to ground properly go outside if possible. Connect with source or Spirit (The Divine / The Creator and the universe); however you do this whether through prayer, acknowledgment, or visualization. Maybe you just allow yourself to feel connected to the world around you, and this is alright too. Visualize any symbols that mean life, healing, protection, and faith to you. In Spirit-Hand there is a grounding prayer that we like to utilize silently to ourselves;
(Spirit-Hand quick Grounding prayer);
“God ground me and center me in You,
in Your Divine Presence,
in Your Divine Word,
in Your Divine Spirit,
and in all the I need
ground me in Your Divine Awen,
in Your Divine Reiki,
in the energy of Your Green-world,
and surround me with Your Holy Hosts,
this I ask Lord, this I pray
in The Holy Name of Christ Yashua,
and the authority of The Most Holy Trinity
Sometimes I also visualize the being connected to the great tapestry of the universe, and the sacred heart beats of Christ and of the earth. I ask God to make me a worthy vessel for His healing power to flow through that I may be in eternal Communion with Him! I affirm that I know that God Makes me worthy through the sacrifice and resurrection of Christ. All these prayers and affirmations may take only a few seconds and are almost always silent.
Then you can move to in-taking the Prana;
Imagine that all the air around you, and that everything is made of pure energy or white light. Inhale this white light. Concentrate on your breathing. Breath in the white light and breath out the white light. If you feel like you are holding negative energy then breath in the white light and breath out the negative energy as black mist until you feel you are clear and then breath in and out the white light. Imagine this light filling you with life energy, and Spirit; quickening you! There is a power phrase that I say sometimes as an acknowledgment of God as the source and provider of my life; “I breathe in all Your Life and Light”! Then I begin the physical aspect of grounding visualization.
Imagine that a great tree trunk of light comes down from God, from heaven (the sky); and runs through you; into you and around you, and goes down into the earth. Imagine roots growing from your feet into the earth. Previously you brought The Divine Energy down into you, now bring the earth energy up into you through the roots you have visualized! In time you will learn to ground with your shoes on, and in less than a minute. You can do this quickly and in complete silence so others are not even aware that you are doing it.
Eating salt will help ground you. Toning will also help you ground (use low tones). Wearing earth tones, black, red, orange, yellow, copper, brown, and green will help you ground. White will also help you center and ground.
The definition of centering and grounding (in Spirit-Hand philosophy);
To center ask yourself what you are doing right at this moment; ask yourself “what is my purpose or task right now” and let yourself become aware of the answer. Centering is the focusing of the mind to purpose or task at hand. Centering means “clarity, purposed, and focus of the moment”. It is the ability to withstand and be unshaken by events or rapid changes, whether positive or negative in your perception. To stand in faith and hope. The knowledge that all things will work out for the highest and greatest good as determined by God / Spirit. In the Spirit-Hand Tradition we say that the act of centering can not and should not be separated from the act of grounding.
There is a line from an old gospel song that I use as a grounding power phrase; “Christ the rock on which I stand, all other ground is sinking sand”! This line helps me to remember and empower myself in the process of Grounding; in the reality of Christ.
Grounding is the drawing upon (into yourself) of Divine energy from above, and earth energy from below at the same time in order to shift, balance, and align your own chi (life force energy)! This positively affects (and effects) us in many ways. It is a method used to balance, filter, protect, focus, center, and connect yourself better with and from all things (all life). Grounding means to align yourself as a conduit (vessel, antenna, theurgy, or wand) for Spirit to work through.
Why do we ground?
Because grounding is the absolute bases for all energy work. It is the most basic energetic thing that any human being can do, and that every human being needs to do! It is our vital energetic connection to source that we are engaging when we ground. Humans, plants, and animals all can and do ground. Grounding is about gaining our energy from the right source instead of competing for it with each other. We do not need to take energy from others or steal from them if we learn how to ground properly. God / Spirit who is source is limitless, vast, never ending, eternal, all powerful, and all positive. We have in God our own battery or never ending supply of life force. Grounding can help heal and sustain us perpetually. What we want can be called a sacred braid of energy. Divine energy, earth energy, and our own human chi can blend or fuse together to create an ultimate human energy which is trinitarian in its nature; A super energy. It is said that to each is given a measure of power, and this blended energy is power. Outside of God we are limited and can do nothing, but with God all things are possible and nothing is impossible. This is why we ground every day; and every time before, continually during, and after a healing ceremony / session, or ritual. Grounding ourselves is about aligning ourselves to God (and The Divine Will and Living Word) who is the ultimate power! Also while it is not energetically sound to always be too deeply grounded in physical energy all the time, it is always safe and very good to be deeply spiritually grounded all the time.
some further notes on grounding;
Some of this information is a repeat of the afore mentioned information, but there are a few notes that I felt needed to be reiterated!
Grounding and centering;
Grounding is bringing earth energy from below, and divine energy from above into your own body and energy fields. This is done to balance, heal, regenerate, filter, and protect you energies and align them to the proper frequencies.
There are many methods to do this; and you should research explore, experiment, and find the methods that work best for you. It is best to start this process outside and barefoot. Eventually you will be able to do it anywhere, and any time, and it will get to where when you are experienced enough it will only take a few seconds. It may take several minutes in the beginning. Eventually you will be able to do it with your shoes on, but this is not the favored way. However eventually you will ground with your whole field and not just your rose line. Women are almost always naturally but shallowly grounded because they are more magnetic. Men are more electrical, so grounding is a much more learned process for men; however when men learn to do it they are so greatly proficient at it that trained female healers will often seek help from them when they themselves can’t ground.
You should always be hydrated when doing anything, so remember to drink plenty of water during the day. Eating salt can help; try sea salt as it is less harmful than table salt. Eating crackers or ritual crescent cakes can help with this process. In my tradition unlike wicca for instance you ground before, during, and after any ritual or work! There are many stones that can help you ground. These would include stones that are green, black, and white. Hematite is a great stone to work with because it not only helps grounding but repels negative energy and draws in positive energy. You can wear copper or magnetic jewelry to help as well. Certain gem stone elixirs will also help.
You start by closing your eyes. Imagine that all the air around you is made of pure white light. You then move to concentrating on your breathing. Move your awareness down to your sacred shaman center located at the womb chakra / hara (this is found between your belly button and the place where your pubic hair starts). Proper ritual breathing is done like so; breath in through your nose, hold for about three seconds, and breath out through your mouth. Make sure your diaphragm is rising as much as your chest; in this way you know that the air is getting down to the deep part of your lungs. Go slowly so that you don’t hyperventilate. As you breathe imagine that you are breathing in this white light and your are exhaling blackness; the blackness is all the negativity and energetic toxins leaving your body. When you feel clear, clean, and pure the air you exhale will become white like the air that you breath in. eventually you will be able to do this with just a few breaths. After your breathing has prepared you, you can move on to other visualizations.
Take a moment and imagine that roots are growing from your feet into the earth as deep as you feel you need to go. This may or may not be deep or shallow. This visualization signals to your energies to connect to the earth energy. Take a moment and pray, and use any power symbols that you feel deeply connected with. Then take a moment and pray; connect yourself with your concept of God / the divine. Once you feel you have properly connected with this energy imagine a tree trunk of white light coming down from the heavens in and around you; Going into the earth. This draws energy from the ground below and The Spirit above. Take a moment and use any symbols that represent God’s protection over you and imagine them around you like a giant sphere, to where they are like four dimensional holograms. Then imagine that one layer of your auric field is expanding around you and forming an egg like shield or cocoon. Imaging a blue egg often helps with this. The most important thing is that you feel safe, protected, re-energized, grounded, and balanced. Then it is time to center your self. Focus on who you are, what you are doing, and why! Centering; it should just take a minute or two in the beginning. Centering is finding the center of yourself and focusing on who you are and what you are doing in an exact moment! And remember to stand in a spirit of truth, love, authenticity, power, freedom, and gratitude! Remember also that we should all also strive to be servants of The Light of God!
This is the basic process of grounding, shielding, and centering. There are man more methods, some simple, some more complex, each have their value and strengths. However find the method that works best for you. Wearing old copper pennies in your shoes; or doing one long, slow, deep, musical tone can facilitate this process. You can also stand in the shower and imagine that the water is changing every color of the rainbow to help you in the beginning. The divine energy and that planetary earth energy from planet gaia has now entered your energy field and merged with it to help make you more complete and empowered. There are also small chakras in the hands and feet that can help you with this process. The knees also contain these small power points. You can get on your knees to help, or you can touch the earth with your hands to aid in this process. In the beginning despite your visualizations your rose line is more engaged in this process than anything else, but after time and practice it will be your entire field that is engaging in this process. If these visuals or methods don’t work for you then ask God for help and guidance and he will show you a method that will work better for you! Listen to your internal guidance and learn to trust it over time.
Beginners grounding methodology
Drink copious amounts of water not just to hydrate the body, but in order to keep the electromagnetic field connected through the entire body.
Take off your shoes when you first start learning to ground, as shoes can short circuit the natural grounding mechanism in your subtle body interfering with the body’s energetic connection to the planet. Eventually this will not be a hindrance to you.
After sessions if you feel there is still “dirty”, stagnant, or negatively charged energy in your field than you can do a variety of things; soak in a warm bath of sea salt and or essential oils for twenty minutes or more, or smudge yourself with white sage and or juniper and lavender. Another way to release unwanted energy in your field is to go outside and get on your knees on the ground and this will activate the small chakras in your knees which will help give you a slight grounding naturally. Simple contact with the earth will activate these chakras. Taking the unwanted energy out of yourself and putting it into the air or the earth will cleanse you, and clear and recycle the energy into pure energy. Carrying a grounding stone is another good way to keep connection to the planetary energies; crystals, black stones (like hematite or onyx), and green stones (like malachite or jade) work best for this. Putting a true copper penny in your shoes, or wearing copper, silver, or magnetic jewelry will help in the grounding process.
Imagine a waterfall (of pure water, or pure light) flowing down over your head, keeping you connected to the planet and washing away any unwanted energy within or without. This will help keep your energies clear, healthy, and focused.
Imagine a shaft or fiber optic rod of light starting just over your head and going down deep into your spine, and then extending down into the earth. Imagine then that all the dark energy is being swept up in and by this shaft of light, being carried and taken down into the earth; allowing you to utilize the pure energy of the shaft of light leaving you energized and powerful.
When you take a shower you can close your eyes and imagine the water flowing over your head and down your body is filled with the energy of light. It starts out clear, and then turns white, followed by gold, and then silver. Then it turns all the colors of the rainbow and the chakras; red, orange, yellow, green, sky blue, cobalt or indigo blue, and then purple, followed by pink, before finally turning white and then pure clear again. This pure water with its bright illumination showers you with life force, energy, power, and knowledge. Imagine this liquid light created by God grounds you and centers you. Ask God to help you to become wise!
Spirit-Hand Grounding and Centering method
To begin to learn to ground properly go outside if possible. Connect with source or Spirit (The Divine / The Creator and the universe); however you do this whether through prayer, acknowledgment, or visualization. Maybe you just allow yourself to feel connected to the world around you, and this is alright too. Visualize any symbols that mean life, healing, protection, and faith to you. In Spirit-Hand there is a grounding prayer that we like to utilize silently to ourselves;
(Spirit-Hand quick Grounding prayer);
“God ground me and center me in You,
in Your Divine Presence,
in Your Divine Word,
in Your Divine Spirit,
and in all the I need
ground me in Your Divine Awen,
in Your Divine Reiki,
in the energy of Your Green-world,
and surround me with Your Holy Hosts,
this I ask Lord, this I pray
in The Holy Name of Christ Yashua,
and the authority of The Most Holy Trinity
Sometimes I also visualize the being connected to the great tapestry of the universe, and the sacred heart beats of Christ and of the earth. I ask God to make me a worthy vessel for His healing power to flow through that I may be in eternal Communion with Him! I affirm that I know that God Makes me worthy through the sacrifice and resurrection of Christ. All these prayers and affirmations may take only a few seconds and are almost always silent.
Then you can move to in-taking the Prana;
Imagine that all the air around you, and that everything is made of pure energy or white light. Inhale this white light. Concentrate on your breathing. Breath in the white light and breath out the white light. If you feel like you are holding negative energy then breath in the white light and breath out the negative energy as black mist until you feel you are clear and then breath in and out the white light. Imagine this light filling you with life energy, and Spirit; quickening you! There is a power phrase that I say sometimes as an acknowledgment of God as the source and provider of my life; “I breathe in all Your Life and Light”! Then I begin the physical aspect of grounding visualization.
Imagine that a great tree trunk of light comes down from God, from heaven (the sky); and runs through you; into you and around you, and goes down into the earth. Imagine roots growing from your feet into the earth. Previously you brought The Divine Energy down into you, now bring the earth energy up into you through the roots you have visualized! In time you will learn to ground with your shoes on, and in less than a minute. You can do this quickly and in complete silence so others are not even aware that you are doing it.
Eating salt will help ground you. Toning will also help you ground (use low tones). Wearing earth tones, black, red, orange, yellow, copper, brown, and green will help you ground. White will also help you center and ground.
The definition of centering and grounding (in Spirit-Hand philosophy);
To center ask yourself what you are doing right at this moment; ask yourself “what is my purpose or task right now” and let yourself become aware of the answer. Centering is the focusing of the mind to purpose or task at hand. Centering means “clarity, purposed, and focus of the moment”. It is the ability to withstand and be unshaken by events or rapid changes, whether positive or negative in your perception. To stand in faith and hope. The knowledge that all things will work out for the highest and greatest good as determined by God / Spirit. In the Spirit-Hand Tradition we say that the act of centering can not and should not be separated from the act of grounding.
There is a line from an old gospel song that I use as a grounding power phrase; “Christ the rock on which I stand, all other ground is sinking sand”! This line helps me to remember and empower myself in the process of Grounding; in the reality of Christ.
Grounding is the drawing upon (into yourself) of Divine energy from above, and earth energy from below at the same time in order to shift, balance, and align your own chi (life force energy)! This positively affects (and effects) us in many ways. It is a method used to balance, filter, protect, focus, center, and connect yourself better with and from all things (all life). Grounding means to align yourself as a conduit (vessel, antenna, theurgy, or wand) for Spirit to work through.
Why do we ground?
Because grounding is the absolute bases for all energy work. It is the most basic energetic thing that any human being can do, and that every human being needs to do! It is our vital energetic connection to source that we are engaging when we ground. Humans, plants, and animals all can and do ground. Grounding is about gaining our energy from the right source instead of competing for it with each other. We do not need to take energy from others or steal from them if we learn how to ground properly. God / Spirit who is source is limitless, vast, never ending, eternal, all powerful, and all positive. We have in God our own battery or never ending supply of life force. Grounding can help heal and sustain us perpetually. What we want can be called a sacred braid of energy. Divine energy, earth energy, and our own human chi can blend or fuse together to create an ultimate human energy which is trinitarian in its nature; A super energy. It is said that to each is given a measure of power, and this blended energy is power. Outside of God we are limited and can do nothing, but with God all things are possible and nothing is impossible. This is why we ground every day; and every time before, continually during, and after a healing ceremony / session, or ritual. Grounding ourselves is about aligning ourselves to God (and The Divine Will and Living Word) who is the ultimate power! Also while it is not energetically sound to always be too deeply grounded in physical energy all the time, it is always safe and very good to be deeply spiritually grounded all the time.
some further notes on grounding;
Some of this information is a repeat of the afore mentioned information, but there are a few notes that I felt needed to be reiterated!
Grounding and centering;
Grounding is bringing earth energy from below, and divine energy from above into your own body and energy fields. This is done to balance, heal, regenerate, filter, and protect you energies and align them to the proper frequencies.
There are many methods to do this; and you should research explore, experiment, and find the methods that work best for you. It is best to start this process outside and barefoot. Eventually you will be able to do it anywhere, and any time, and it will get to where when you are experienced enough it will only take a few seconds. It may take several minutes in the beginning. Eventually you will be able to do it with your shoes on, but this is not the favored way. However eventually you will ground with your whole field and not just your rose line. Women are almost always naturally but shallowly grounded because they are more magnetic. Men are more electrical, so grounding is a much more learned process for men; however when men learn to do it they are so greatly proficient at it that trained female healers will often seek help from them when they themselves can’t ground.
You should always be hydrated when doing anything, so remember to drink plenty of water during the day. Eating salt can help; try sea salt as it is less harmful than table salt. Eating crackers or ritual crescent cakes can help with this process. In my tradition unlike wicca for instance you ground before, during, and after any ritual or work! There are many stones that can help you ground. These would include stones that are green, black, and white. Hematite is a great stone to work with because it not only helps grounding but repels negative energy and draws in positive energy. You can wear copper or magnetic jewelry to help as well. Certain gem stone elixirs will also help.
You start by closing your eyes. Imagine that all the air around you is made of pure white light. You then move to concentrating on your breathing. Move your awareness down to your sacred shaman center located at the womb chakra / hara (this is found between your belly button and the place where your pubic hair starts). Proper ritual breathing is done like so; breath in through your nose, hold for about three seconds, and breath out through your mouth. Make sure your diaphragm is rising as much as your chest; in this way you know that the air is getting down to the deep part of your lungs. Go slowly so that you don’t hyperventilate. As you breathe imagine that you are breathing in this white light and your are exhaling blackness; the blackness is all the negativity and energetic toxins leaving your body. When you feel clear, clean, and pure the air you exhale will become white like the air that you breath in. eventually you will be able to do this with just a few breaths. After your breathing has prepared you, you can move on to other visualizations.
Take a moment and imagine that roots are growing from your feet into the earth as deep as you feel you need to go. This may or may not be deep or shallow. This visualization signals to your energies to connect to the earth energy. Take a moment and pray, and use any power symbols that you feel deeply connected with. Then take a moment and pray; connect yourself with your concept of God / the divine. Once you feel you have properly connected with this energy imagine a tree trunk of white light coming down from the heavens in and around you; Going into the earth. This draws energy from the ground below and The Spirit above. Take a moment and use any symbols that represent God’s protection over you and imagine them around you like a giant sphere, to where they are like four dimensional holograms. Then imagine that one layer of your auric field is expanding around you and forming an egg like shield or cocoon. Imaging a blue egg often helps with this. The most important thing is that you feel safe, protected, re-energized, grounded, and balanced. Then it is time to center your self. Focus on who you are, what you are doing, and why! Centering; it should just take a minute or two in the beginning. Centering is finding the center of yourself and focusing on who you are and what you are doing in an exact moment! And remember to stand in a spirit of truth, love, authenticity, power, freedom, and gratitude! Remember also that we should all also strive to be servants of The Light of God!
This is the basic process of grounding, shielding, and centering. There are man more methods, some simple, some more complex, each have their value and strengths. However find the method that works best for you. Wearing old copper pennies in your shoes; or doing one long, slow, deep, musical tone can facilitate this process. You can also stand in the shower and imagine that the water is changing every color of the rainbow to help you in the beginning. The divine energy and that planetary earth energy from planet gaia has now entered your energy field and merged with it to help make you more complete and empowered. There are also small chakras in the hands and feet that can help you with this process. The knees also contain these small power points. You can get on your knees to help, or you can touch the earth with your hands to aid in this process. In the beginning despite your visualizations your rose line is more engaged in this process than anything else, but after time and practice it will be your entire field that is engaging in this process. If these visuals or methods don’t work for you then ask God for help and guidance and he will show you a method that will work better for you! Listen to your internal guidance and learn to trust it over time.
Meditation made easy;
The basics of meditation
First relax, concentrate on your breathing, sit or lay in comfortable position.
Meditate when you are not tired, when you can.
Connect with God by acknowledging him, and his presence in your life.
Feel the energy of life; the energy of the earth around you.
Focus on the beating of your heart, and feel it as a sensation, or hear it as a sound.
Count your blessings, experience thankfulness, gratitude, and appreciation for all the good things in your life. Say “thank you” to God for all of his blessings; this is what is called making a joyful noise unto The Lord.
Now answer the following questions. Don’t spend time thinking about it, just let the answers be short and come and go smooth and swiftly for peace and insight into yourself.
Who am I?
What am I?
What do I want?
What is my purpose?
Then let the answers go swiftly and don’t try and hold onto them or think about them right now. Think about them later!
Feel what is going on in your body!
Focus on your heart again and continue breathing and relaxing, and when you feel like you have re-energized and relaxed enough allow your consciousness to come back into full awareness and open your eyes!
What does this process begin to do for us on the physical and non-physical levels?
Well first you are oxygenating the body. Secondly you are honoring God by focusing your attention on him for a few minutes out of your day. You should pray through out the day to keep every day sacred and keep yourself connected to God. You should constantly be mindful of him! Third you are setting off a process in your body called neuro-genesis which helps your body stabilize its emotional impacts. The relaxed body begins to let go of tension and stress there by lowering your blood pressure and the harmful effects of your body overproducing negative emotional peptides. When your body produces negative emotional peptides, it also releases things like cortisol into the system which causes extremely bad stress to the body! The more negative hormones and disrupted cells are produced the more acidic the body becomes. The more acidic the body is, the more it breaks down, and the more cells will not regenerate; and the less positive cells that are produced will be. The more your body produces positive cells, the more proteins your body will be able to make, and this allows for better and faster healing, faster regeneration, and a longer natural life span!
It is also important to remember that in order to get the full benefit of meditation, you should not hold on to anger, stress, negativity, or unforgiveness! The process of meditation helps aid and quicken your spiritual evolution!

Christ Centered Meditation;
Christ himself is described in scripture as both Praying and Meditating. It is important to remember that we should live by the examples that he set. Meditation on God, On His Word and his will.... with Prayer becomes a form of spiritual Communion; like with The Eucharist.
1 Timothy 4:16′s; Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all.
Ps. 19:1-14
1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.
3 There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.
4 Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun,
5 which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion, like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
6 It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is hidden from its heat.
7 The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.
8 The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes.
9 The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever. The ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous.
10 They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb.
11 By them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.
12 Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults.
13 Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then will I be blameless, innocent of great transgression.
14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Ps 19:1-14
1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,
5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.
6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.
8 The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.
9 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
10 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
11 Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.
12 Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults.
13 Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.
14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Corinthians 10:5; “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” You might have ways of behaving due to your ways and system of thinking you were trained to have by the world; and need to destroy that system of thinking and have your mind renewed by the truth of God’s Word. So that you will then act and behave in a different manner. In a way that is godly and acceptable to God. Take every thought captive. Test every spirit! Align yourself to the will of God!
"A powerful destiny will affect the character of others.
A powerful character will affect the habits of others.
A powerful habit will affect the actions of others.
A powerful action will affect the words of others.
A powerful word will affect the thoughts of others".
Author Unknown to us.
Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is the man!
Anonymous quote / original author unknown: “watch your thoughts they become your words. Watch your words they become your actions. Watch your actions they become your habits. What your habits they become your character. And Watch your character for it becomes your destiny.”
Nelson Mandela quote:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others”!
“Where attention goes energy flows; where intention goes energy flows” James Redfield
This section was taken from an article I found online;
Meditation would have been no stranger to Jesus of Nazareth. Meditation is mentioned several times in the Old Testament. It is also known that there were Buddhist missionaries in The Middle East during the time of Jesus, so He would have been familiar with their practices as well. If we look deeply at the teachings of Jesus contained in the Sermon On The Mount, I believe we find evidence that Jesus did in fact meditate, and taught His disciples to do likewise. In His teaching on Prayer Jesus taught...
"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you, they have recieved their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room and close the door and pray to your Father who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask."
Matthew 6: 5-8
In the above passage from Matthew, Jesus teaches his followers to pray in solitude, using as few words as possible. Short and sweet seems to be what Jesus teaches concerning prayer. Yet many times in the Gospel accounts Jesus is said to spend an entire night in prayer before making a major ministerial move. Jesus is said to rise from sleep hours before his other disciples so he could go into a quite place to pray. Jesus is even said to have gone into the desert for 40 days and 40 nights to fast and pray. If Jesus believed in keeping spoken prayers short, what would He be doing for hours on end, or even days on end, praying in the wilderness? I believe He was spending time listening to God, being with God. In short, Jesus meditated.
Light body meditation; This meditation talks to your body on every level even down to the cellular level.
Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes, and let go of any thoughts, don’t fight them or call them, let them come if they will and let them pass. Neither call them forth nor hold onto them. Feel each part of your body relax one at a time starting at your feet, then up your legs, then your torso, then your hands, then your arms, then your neck, then your head. Let yourself be filled with the white light of The Holy Spirit. Concentrate on your breathing. Breath in and hold it for a few seconds, and then breath out. Make sure your diaphragm is rising as much of your chest so that you know that air is getting all the way into your lungs. Imagine that the air around you is light and you are breathing it in and breathing it out.
When you are relaxed enough to where you are calm but not sleepy let yourself come back to mild awareness and read the following mantra out loud to yourself;
Blessed be God the light of all lights
I am a part of that great light
I am one with the light
I am made of the light
I am made by the light
I am sustained by the light
I am born from the light
I am filled with the light
I am made whole by the light
I heal by the light
I am healed by the light
I am changed by the light
I am nourished by the light
I nourish by the light
I am enriched by the light
I enrich by the light
I learn from the light
I teach by the light
I aid by the light
I am aided by the light
I am protected by the light
I shield by the light
I banish by the light
I am cleansed and purified by the light
I cleanse by the light
I am empowered by the light
I am one with the light
I am one with the light
I am one with the light
Earth beneath me sustainer of life
Air around me inspiring all of life
Fire of stars above me empowerment of life
Water within me refreshing of life
Spirit within me essence of life
God around me source of all life
I am one with the light
Prayer for the body temple:
Blessed am I amongst (men / women) to live in such a beautiful temple
Blessed am I by the God to be his vessel temple
I am made worthy through the divine Grace of God
I choose this day to see, recognize, and serve the divine essence of God in all good things, and in all situations
Blessed be my soul being
Blessed be the temple of my body; may I be healthy, strong, attractive, and ever young
Blessed be the temple of my heart; may I be open and full of love, joy, peace, grace, and healing
Blessed be the temple of my mind; may I be clear, and full of understanding, insight, wisdom, and applied knowledge
Blessed be the temple of my spirit; may I be bright, pure, beautiful, sacred, thankful, and eternally evolving
Blessed be the temple of my imagination; may I be creative, abundant, vast, and well manifested
Through the ecstasy of my body, and my entire soul being may I see and know you better oh God
In all eyes, in all touch, and in all love
Grant me all favor, all virtue, and all victory lord, fill every fiber of my being with your holy light
Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer; I thank thee oh Lord
The Prayer of The Grail:
Father God around me in unbroken love, holding me in Grace,
Christ with me
Christ before me
Christ behind me
Christ to each side of me
Christ beneath me
Christ above me
Christ within me
Christ without
Trinity God en-circle-ing me
Christ encompassing me
Holy Spirit indwelling in me, flowing through me, and around me
God surrounds me in unbroken Love
This prayer is one of the many "Grail prayers". It is in Celi De fashion (celtic christian mystics, the name means spouses of God amongst other things). I myself am Celi De. In any case this prayer gets me through a lot. it is an affirmation of love, peace, protection, joy, harmony, and power amongst other things. By saying this prayer you are affirming your relationship with God, that he has saved you, that you are submitted to him as his bride, child, and vessel; that you are one with Him and His power. You are saying God, I not only trust and have faith in you; I know you, I know you are here with me closer to me than I am to myself. You are my life my sweetness, my hope and stay, you are my very breath and existence. Nothing can ever separate me from you because in the highest sense of reality I am a part of you, omnipresent Immanuel! You are affirming your faith in Christ who has saved you by Grace through faith in Him. This is a powerful prayer. Be mindful, aware, and respectful when you say it. This is big medicine. You are opening yourself up to being a vessel servant of God, being a Holy Grail by saying this prayer. Be ready to be used when you say this prayer. He will use you and it will astound you the things you are saying and doing for Him; that you never dreamt in your wildest imagination that you would!:) I hope this helps you as it helped me!:)
The Pollen Path Prayer;
Beauty before me,
Beauty behind me,
Beauty to each side of me,
Beauty above me,
Beauty beneath me,
Beauty within me,
Beauty without,
Beauty around me,
I’m on the pollen path,
I walk the good red road,
I make good medicine ,
and I walk in beauty with The God (Creator, Great Spirit)!
This is my Christian adaptation of a very old traditional native American prayer (mantra, affirmation) that I learned. It is in the same style and has the same purpose as the Grail prayer. The fact that these prayers existed in two separate cultures possibly before any contact between the two great races even knew of each-others existence is further evidence that certain spiritual truths are universal to all ancient cultures! These prayers not only keep us mindful of the presence of the divine in our lives; they are prayers acknowledging the protection that we have from God, and they are a way of honoring the daily gifts that God gives us, that we take for granted much of the time. In fact these prayers are designed to keep us from taking anything for granted! These prayers say to us that we should have an attitude of gratitude, that our hearts should celebrate every moment with thanksgiving and thankfulness, and that we should remember to live a life of appreciation and awe of the beauty that God surrounds us with! Life is not only a blessing but full of blessings! This is a prayer for every day yes, and it is also a prayer for the hard times. This prayer is like a brief paraphrase, synopsis, and summation of the biblical book of Job!
There is a very old hymn that was a favorite of the civil war era. The chorus of this hymn is the exact same message of these prayers and all the biblical passages in the bible that tell us to “make a joyful noise unto the lord”! The song is called “for the beauty” and the chorus says;…
“For the beauty of the earth,
for the beauty of the skies,
for the love that from our birth,
over and around us lies,
Lord above (or “of all”) to Thee we raise,
This our joyful song, of (grateful) praise”!
Polarity Therapy Elemental Breathing Techniques:
Some choose to access the chakras and the meridians through these breaths and some choose to work with the elemental lines (and the elements/elemental energies) through these breaths! Personally I choose to work with the elemental energies with these breaths, but it will depend largely on what you are trying to accomplish for yourself or your client! I work with the breath by the following guide lines! Do each element for about nine deep breaths.
The Water breath: imagine blue (and you may want to face west) (you may want to surround yourself with a shape to do this to aid in your visualization or use for a specific purpose). Breathe in through your nose and hold and out through your mouth (this is proper ritual and daily living breathing).
The Fire breath: imagine yellow (and you may want to face south), breath in through your mouth and hold and then breath out through your nose.
The Air breath: imagine purple (and you may want to face east), breath in through your mouth and out through your mouth.
The Earth breath: imagine the color green (and you may want to face north), and breath in through your nose, hold (all breaths are held for three and a half seconds) and out through your nose!
The Ether (Space or Spirit) breath: the ether breath is the most difficult because one must let go of an open all passageways. You must relax the jaw and the body completely, and allow it to intake air in through both your mouth and your nose, and out through both your mouth and nose both at the same time! Imagine white (or black)! Allow your breath to breath you, these are Holy Neshama (Nephesh/ Nephshie), or Prana breaths! Also called shamanic breathing! You are breathing in colored light! You can bow your head or look up therefore facing the center. You can use these with other techniques like quantum breathing.
Corresponding fingers to elemental lines:
Index finger: Air
Middle finger: Fire
Ring finger: Water
Little finger: Earth
Thumb: Ether or Spirit
The Big toe: Spirit or Ether
The Second toe: Air
The Third toe: Fire
The Fourth toe: Water
The Little toe: Earth
The Skull Mother Cord: is when we create a fulcrum of energy by visualizing a blue or red cord that runs from the back of our skull, on the bottom of the skull inbetween our occipitals into the earth. This is another way of grounding during healing work. This helps us balance and ground our energies better and is a technique used in both sekhem, and polarity therapy.
The basics of meditation
First relax, concentrate on your breathing, sit or lay in comfortable position.
Meditate when you are not tired, when you can.
Connect with God by acknowledging him, and his presence in your life.
Feel the energy of life; the energy of the earth around you.
Focus on the beating of your heart, and feel it as a sensation, or hear it as a sound.
Count your blessings, experience thankfulness, gratitude, and appreciation for all the good things in your life. Say “thank you” to God for all of his blessings; this is what is called making a joyful noise unto The Lord.
Now answer the following questions. Don’t spend time thinking about it, just let the answers be short and come and go smooth and swiftly for peace and insight into yourself.
Who am I?
What am I?
What do I want?
What is my purpose?
Then let the answers go swiftly and don’t try and hold onto them or think about them right now. Think about them later!
Feel what is going on in your body!
Focus on your heart again and continue breathing and relaxing, and when you feel like you have re-energized and relaxed enough allow your consciousness to come back into full awareness and open your eyes!
What does this process begin to do for us on the physical and non-physical levels?
Well first you are oxygenating the body. Secondly you are honoring God by focusing your attention on him for a few minutes out of your day. You should pray through out the day to keep every day sacred and keep yourself connected to God. You should constantly be mindful of him! Third you are setting off a process in your body called neuro-genesis which helps your body stabilize its emotional impacts. The relaxed body begins to let go of tension and stress there by lowering your blood pressure and the harmful effects of your body overproducing negative emotional peptides. When your body produces negative emotional peptides, it also releases things like cortisol into the system which causes extremely bad stress to the body! The more negative hormones and disrupted cells are produced the more acidic the body becomes. The more acidic the body is, the more it breaks down, and the more cells will not regenerate; and the less positive cells that are produced will be. The more your body produces positive cells, the more proteins your body will be able to make, and this allows for better and faster healing, faster regeneration, and a longer natural life span!
It is also important to remember that in order to get the full benefit of meditation, you should not hold on to anger, stress, negativity, or unforgiveness! The process of meditation helps aid and quicken your spiritual evolution!

Christ Centered Meditation;
Christ himself is described in scripture as both Praying and Meditating. It is important to remember that we should live by the examples that he set. Meditation on God, On His Word and his will.... with Prayer becomes a form of spiritual Communion; like with The Eucharist.
"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith,
who for the joy set before him endured the cross,
and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Consider him, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
who for the joy set before him endured the cross,
and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Consider him, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
Hebrews 12:2-3
"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovel,
whatever things are of good report, if there is
any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy
--meditate on these things."
(Php 4:8)
1 Timothy 4:16′s; Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all.
Ps. 19:1-14
1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.
3 There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.
4 Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun,
5 which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion, like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
6 It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is hidden from its heat.
7 The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.
8 The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes.
9 The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever. The ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous.
10 They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb.
11 By them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.
12 Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults.
13 Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then will I be blameless, innocent of great transgression.
14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Ps 19:1-14
1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,
5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.
6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.
8 The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.
9 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
10 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
11 Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.
12 Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults.
13 Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.
14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Corinthians 10:5; “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” You might have ways of behaving due to your ways and system of thinking you were trained to have by the world; and need to destroy that system of thinking and have your mind renewed by the truth of God’s Word. So that you will then act and behave in a different manner. In a way that is godly and acceptable to God. Take every thought captive. Test every spirit! Align yourself to the will of God!
"A powerful destiny will affect the character of others.
A powerful character will affect the habits of others.
A powerful habit will affect the actions of others.
A powerful action will affect the words of others.
A powerful word will affect the thoughts of others".
Author Unknown to us.
Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is the man!
Anonymous quote / original author unknown: “watch your thoughts they become your words. Watch your words they become your actions. Watch your actions they become your habits. What your habits they become your character. And Watch your character for it becomes your destiny.”
Nelson Mandela quote:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others”!
“Where attention goes energy flows; where intention goes energy flows” James Redfield
This section was taken from an article I found online;
Meditation would have been no stranger to Jesus of Nazareth. Meditation is mentioned several times in the Old Testament. It is also known that there were Buddhist missionaries in The Middle East during the time of Jesus, so He would have been familiar with their practices as well. If we look deeply at the teachings of Jesus contained in the Sermon On The Mount, I believe we find evidence that Jesus did in fact meditate, and taught His disciples to do likewise. In His teaching on Prayer Jesus taught...
"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you, they have recieved their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room and close the door and pray to your Father who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask."
Matthew 6: 5-8
In the above passage from Matthew, Jesus teaches his followers to pray in solitude, using as few words as possible. Short and sweet seems to be what Jesus teaches concerning prayer. Yet many times in the Gospel accounts Jesus is said to spend an entire night in prayer before making a major ministerial move. Jesus is said to rise from sleep hours before his other disciples so he could go into a quite place to pray. Jesus is even said to have gone into the desert for 40 days and 40 nights to fast and pray. If Jesus believed in keeping spoken prayers short, what would He be doing for hours on end, or even days on end, praying in the wilderness? I believe He was spending time listening to God, being with God. In short, Jesus meditated.
Light body meditation; This meditation talks to your body on every level even down to the cellular level.
Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes, and let go of any thoughts, don’t fight them or call them, let them come if they will and let them pass. Neither call them forth nor hold onto them. Feel each part of your body relax one at a time starting at your feet, then up your legs, then your torso, then your hands, then your arms, then your neck, then your head. Let yourself be filled with the white light of The Holy Spirit. Concentrate on your breathing. Breath in and hold it for a few seconds, and then breath out. Make sure your diaphragm is rising as much of your chest so that you know that air is getting all the way into your lungs. Imagine that the air around you is light and you are breathing it in and breathing it out.
When you are relaxed enough to where you are calm but not sleepy let yourself come back to mild awareness and read the following mantra out loud to yourself;
Blessed be God the light of all lights
I am a part of that great light
I am one with the light
I am made of the light
I am made by the light
I am sustained by the light
I am born from the light
I am filled with the light
I am made whole by the light
I heal by the light
I am healed by the light
I am changed by the light
I am nourished by the light
I nourish by the light
I am enriched by the light
I enrich by the light
I learn from the light
I teach by the light
I aid by the light
I am aided by the light
I am protected by the light
I shield by the light
I banish by the light
I am cleansed and purified by the light
I cleanse by the light
I am empowered by the light
I am one with the light
I am one with the light
I am one with the light
Earth beneath me sustainer of life
Air around me inspiring all of life
Fire of stars above me empowerment of life
Water within me refreshing of life
Spirit within me essence of life
God around me source of all life
I am one with the light
Prayer for the body temple:
Blessed am I amongst (men / women) to live in such a beautiful temple
Blessed am I by the God to be his vessel temple
I am made worthy through the divine Grace of God
I choose this day to see, recognize, and serve the divine essence of God in all good things, and in all situations
Blessed be my soul being
Blessed be the temple of my body; may I be healthy, strong, attractive, and ever young
Blessed be the temple of my heart; may I be open and full of love, joy, peace, grace, and healing
Blessed be the temple of my mind; may I be clear, and full of understanding, insight, wisdom, and applied knowledge
Blessed be the temple of my spirit; may I be bright, pure, beautiful, sacred, thankful, and eternally evolving
Blessed be the temple of my imagination; may I be creative, abundant, vast, and well manifested
Through the ecstasy of my body, and my entire soul being may I see and know you better oh God
In all eyes, in all touch, and in all love
Grant me all favor, all virtue, and all victory lord, fill every fiber of my being with your holy light
Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer; I thank thee oh Lord
The Prayer of The Grail:
Father God around me in unbroken love, holding me in Grace,
Christ with me
Christ before me
Christ behind me
Christ to each side of me
Christ beneath me
Christ above me
Christ within me
Christ without
Trinity God en-circle-ing me
Christ encompassing me
Holy Spirit indwelling in me, flowing through me, and around me
God surrounds me in unbroken Love
This prayer is one of the many "Grail prayers". It is in Celi De fashion (celtic christian mystics, the name means spouses of God amongst other things). I myself am Celi De. In any case this prayer gets me through a lot. it is an affirmation of love, peace, protection, joy, harmony, and power amongst other things. By saying this prayer you are affirming your relationship with God, that he has saved you, that you are submitted to him as his bride, child, and vessel; that you are one with Him and His power. You are saying God, I not only trust and have faith in you; I know you, I know you are here with me closer to me than I am to myself. You are my life my sweetness, my hope and stay, you are my very breath and existence. Nothing can ever separate me from you because in the highest sense of reality I am a part of you, omnipresent Immanuel! You are affirming your faith in Christ who has saved you by Grace through faith in Him. This is a powerful prayer. Be mindful, aware, and respectful when you say it. This is big medicine. You are opening yourself up to being a vessel servant of God, being a Holy Grail by saying this prayer. Be ready to be used when you say this prayer. He will use you and it will astound you the things you are saying and doing for Him; that you never dreamt in your wildest imagination that you would!:) I hope this helps you as it helped me!:)
The Pollen Path Prayer;
Beauty before me,
Beauty behind me,
Beauty to each side of me,
Beauty above me,
Beauty beneath me,
Beauty within me,
Beauty without,
Beauty around me,
I’m on the pollen path,
I walk the good red road,
I make good medicine ,
and I walk in beauty with The God (Creator, Great Spirit)!
This is my Christian adaptation of a very old traditional native American prayer (mantra, affirmation) that I learned. It is in the same style and has the same purpose as the Grail prayer. The fact that these prayers existed in two separate cultures possibly before any contact between the two great races even knew of each-others existence is further evidence that certain spiritual truths are universal to all ancient cultures! These prayers not only keep us mindful of the presence of the divine in our lives; they are prayers acknowledging the protection that we have from God, and they are a way of honoring the daily gifts that God gives us, that we take for granted much of the time. In fact these prayers are designed to keep us from taking anything for granted! These prayers say to us that we should have an attitude of gratitude, that our hearts should celebrate every moment with thanksgiving and thankfulness, and that we should remember to live a life of appreciation and awe of the beauty that God surrounds us with! Life is not only a blessing but full of blessings! This is a prayer for every day yes, and it is also a prayer for the hard times. This prayer is like a brief paraphrase, synopsis, and summation of the biblical book of Job!
“For the beauty of the earth,
for the beauty of the skies,
for the love that from our birth,
over and around us lies,
Lord above (or “of all”) to Thee we raise,
This our joyful song, of (grateful) praise”!
Polarity Therapy Elemental Breathing Techniques:
Some choose to access the chakras and the meridians through these breaths and some choose to work with the elemental lines (and the elements/elemental energies) through these breaths! Personally I choose to work with the elemental energies with these breaths, but it will depend largely on what you are trying to accomplish for yourself or your client! I work with the breath by the following guide lines! Do each element for about nine deep breaths.
The Water breath: imagine blue (and you may want to face west) (you may want to surround yourself with a shape to do this to aid in your visualization or use for a specific purpose). Breathe in through your nose and hold and out through your mouth (this is proper ritual and daily living breathing).
The Fire breath: imagine yellow (and you may want to face south), breath in through your mouth and hold and then breath out through your nose.
The Air breath: imagine purple (and you may want to face east), breath in through your mouth and out through your mouth.
The Earth breath: imagine the color green (and you may want to face north), and breath in through your nose, hold (all breaths are held for three and a half seconds) and out through your nose!
The Ether (Space or Spirit) breath: the ether breath is the most difficult because one must let go of an open all passageways. You must relax the jaw and the body completely, and allow it to intake air in through both your mouth and your nose, and out through both your mouth and nose both at the same time! Imagine white (or black)! Allow your breath to breath you, these are Holy Neshama (Nephesh/ Nephshie), or Prana breaths! Also called shamanic breathing! You are breathing in colored light! You can bow your head or look up therefore facing the center. You can use these with other techniques like quantum breathing.
Corresponding fingers to elemental lines:
Index finger: Air
Middle finger: Fire
Ring finger: Water
Little finger: Earth
Thumb: Ether or Spirit
The Big toe: Spirit or Ether
The Second toe: Air
The Third toe: Fire
The Fourth toe: Water
The Little toe: Earth
The Skull Mother Cord: is when we create a fulcrum of energy by visualizing a blue or red cord that runs from the back of our skull, on the bottom of the skull inbetween our occipitals into the earth. This is another way of grounding during healing work. This helps us balance and ground our energies better and is a technique used in both sekhem, and polarity therapy.
The Four Elements
A Centering Meditation
A Centering Meditation
Arriving Phase
It is
suggested that you begin with grounding and casting a nemeton;
* There should be an lit candle in the Center, as well as the Incense, some stones (or crystals or soil), a feather, and a bowl of water (or a chalice of holy water or bottle of flower water perfume).
These symbolize the Four Elements.
stand in the Center. Be silent.
* Light the Candle in the Center, sound a musical note,
and say a prayer.
stand in the Center. Be silent.
* Light the Candle in the Center, sound a musical note,
and say a prayer.
*Go to the West and say, May there
be Peace in the West.
* Go to the South and say, May there be Peace in the South.
* Go to the South and say, May there be Peace in the South.
* Go to the East and say, May there
be Peace in the East.
* Go to the North and say, Mat there be Peace in the North.
* Go to the Centre (sacred center), visualize Peace throughout the Earth, and
the Circle within which you stand. Say,
May there be Peace in this Circle, in this my body temple, and throughout the whole of the Earth (or planet gaia).
* Sit where you are comfortable within the Circle, and be silent.
* Go to the North and say, Mat there be Peace in the North.
* Go to the Centre (sacred center), visualize Peace throughout the Earth, and
the Circle within which you stand. Say,
May there be Peace in this Circle, in this my body temple, and throughout the whole of the Earth (or planet gaia).
* Sit where you are comfortable within the Circle, and be silent.
When you are ready . . .
The Offering Phase
(In all cases, the wording is a suggestion. Say something like . . . )
Earth beneath me, Sustainer of Life;
Air around me, Inspiring all of Life;
Fire of Stars above me, Empowerment of Life;
Water within me, Refreshing of Life.
Spirit within me Essence of life.
Great Holy Spirit Source of all life.
Take the incense holder and the feather in your hand, if you wish, or picture it with your Otherworld sight. Smell the incense smoke rising around you. Breathe deeply and feel the Air enter your body. If you are outdoors, feel the breeze blowing across your skin. (If you are inside, you may wish to use a small fan so that you can feel the Air moving about you.) Let your awareness begin in your lungs, and emerge from your nose and mouth to spread outward from your body in a dome. Sense the Air all around you. Extend your awareness farther, through clouds, through flying birds, and be aware of the Air that envelopes you and all the Earth. Concentrate on your breathing and imagine that all the air around is made of a pure white light that you are taking in. you inhale the light and exhale the light. Breath in and hold the breath for about three seconds. Make sure your diaphragm is rising as much as your chest so that you know that the air is getting all the way down into your lungs. Start out breathing in through your nose and out through you mouth. Then once you are relaxed into the meditation and comfortable just allow your body to breath and out through the nose. Be one with the Air.
Say something like: May the Life-giving purity of the Air inspire me, enrich my blood, and be always a part of my being.
When you are ready . . .
Take the candle in your hand, if you wish, or picture it with your Otherworld sight. Feel the warmth of the flame as it glows before you. Imagine the Stars overhead, or, if you prefer, the Sun. Imagine Sun or Star directly overhead, beaming light and warmth through the Heavens toward Earth, toward you where you sit. Down, down through the atmosphere, the beam travels, the energy-giving, living power of Fire. Imagine it entering your head and illuminating the brain cavity. Your brow begins to glow, as your head is filled with Light. Fire in your eyes is a sign to the World of your inspiration. Imagine the Light traveling down further, to your heart, Fire of Love; to your stomach, Fire of Metabolism; to your loins, Fire of Creation. Feel your oneness with Fire. You can also visualize the burning bush, the pillar of fire, a torch, or a lamp. Be at one with the fire.
Say something like: May the empowering energy of the Fires of the Universe ever be a part of my being.
When you are ready . . .
Take the bowl of Water in your hands, if you wish, or picture it with your Otherworld sight. Dip your fingers in it. Feel the cool wetness. Raise it to your lips and drink, a deep drink. Feel the cool wetness as it goes down your throat and enters your stomach. Or you can simply anoint, baptize, or consecrate yourself with the water. If you are carefully aware, you can feel it begin to radiate out through your body’s tissues. Feel the coolness as it spreads through your cells. Be aware of the water that makes up most of your body. Let your memory go back to the womb-water from whence these waters came, and further back to the sea water from which your ancestors emerged. You can also imagine the
Say something like: May the cleansing and refreshing power of Water ever be a part of my being.
Take the stones or dirt in your hand if you wish, or picture it with your Otherworld sight. Sit quietly, become aware of your breathing, and your body. Become aware of your Grove around you. Feel the ground under you, and become aware of the Earth. Image a tap root extending from your body down into the ground, into the rich, fertile Earth, through stones and roots, through Earth creatures and bedrock. Feel your rooted-ness in the Earth. You can also visualize being in special locations like newgrange, avebury, stone hinge, the garden of Gethsemane, or the empty tomb of Christ; or even mount Sinai or the temple mount. Be one with the Earth.
Say something like: May the stability, richness, and fertility of the Earth be always a part of my being.
When you are ready . . .
Sit in silence. Feel the Elements surrounding you. Be in balance between and among them.
Farewell Phase
Take the stones or dirt in your hand if you wish, or picture it with your Otherworld sight. Sit quietly, become aware of your breathing, and your body. Become aware of your Grove around you. Feel the ground under you, and become aware of the Earth. Image a tap root extending from your body down into the ground, into the rich, fertile Earth, through stones and roots, through Earth creatures and bedrock. Feel your rooted-ness in the Earth. You can also visualize being in special locations like newgrange, avebury, stone hinge, the garden of Gethsemane, or the empty tomb of Christ; or even mount Sinai or the temple mount. Be one with the Earth.
Say something like: May the stability, richness, and fertility of the Earth be always a part of my being.
When you are ready . . .
Sit in silence. Feel the Elements surrounding you. Be in balance between and among them.
Farewell Phase
prayers (and any other workings), and grounding.
* Open your eyes, and return to your natural sight
* Thank God for everything, then pay respects to the elements, the guardians, and any other helpers that may have came (the bre’hon).
close the circle. In my tradition we always create ritual space counter clockwise and close the space clockwise. Most pagan ritual practitioners will greatly disagree with me on this issue. They are welcome to their own opinions. My opinion is this; I create sacred space counter clockwise or widdershins to banish negative energies and to work outside of time and space. I close the sacred space clockwise to release the creative energies that I have wielded to do their workings in the world. Be sure and release any and all excess energies with all love and appreciation.
* Sound a musical signal
* The Rite is concluded
this concludes the four elements
grounding, centering, and balancing meditation.
Spiritual Giftings, Basic Healing Work, and Basic Prayer work!
What are your main spiritual gifts?
I would figure out my top two gifts and work with them first. The following is a list of spiritual gifts and what metaphysical gifts they fall under or are categorized by.
The list of metaphysical gifts (extra sensory perceptions and spiritual designations or ministries), and other gifts (personality traits, crafts, skills, abilities, careers, and vocations) that fall under their domain:
Clairsentience (feeling / touching):
Feeling, touching, sensing, intuition, psycometry, Telekenises / psycokinesis, instinctual, gut feeling, discernment, sculpting, gardening, farming, growing herbs, healing, putting on the aromour of God, spiritual warrior, physical or massage therapist, empathy or impathy, comforter, distinguishing between spirits, pyrokeniesis
The ability to tap into the collective unconscious or the akashic records is tied to the gift of psycometry
Clairalience (smelling):
Clairalience, and clairgustence are really extensions or specific types of clairsentience.
Smelling spiritual scents, smelling spirits, smelling the roses (being grateful – thankful – appreciative), smelling when “something is rotten in demark” (this is a type of discernment), hightend sense of smell, good at anointing and aromatherapy, diagnosing, detective work, flower essences, baker, tea maker, healing,
Clairgustance (tasting):
Tasting spiritual tastes, manifesting, miracle working, speaking in tongues, words of wisdom or power, asking the right questions, testing the spirits, prayer warrior, singing and musician, cook, potion brewer, healing,
Clairaudience (hearing / listening):
Guidance, listening to the conscience ~ that small still voice of God within us that will on occasion scream to get our attention, hearing spirits – sounds – and voices in the ethers (the different planes of existence, hearing celestial music or the music of life, hearing teachers, interpretation, interpreting tongues, singing and musician, writing and poetry,
Telepathy, counseling, secretarial work, healing,
Claircognizance (knowing):
Precognition, prophecy (and the office of prophet), premonition can fit into this as well, information receiver, psychic, administration, teaching, preaching, foresight, empowering, organizing, secretarial work could fit under this as well, healing, testimony,
Clairvoyance (seeing):
Seership – the seer, the sight (second sight, third eye, highland sight, fairie sight), visionary, dreamer, vision questing, astral projection and travel, professional traveler, painter, most types of artistry, seeing the spiritual gifts of others and determining the best way to help them tap into – practice- and utilize those gifts, healing, dream interpretation, aura interpretation, chakra reading, seeing the beauty and potential in others, mediumship, casting out unclean spirits and demons,
Now if you are astute you will have noticed that there is one word that went under all of these categories; The word healing. When you are a healer you must tap into all of these to some respect or degree. All of God’s royal children (saved or born again) have all of these gifts within them, however there will always be between one and three that stand out the most as the main gifts of that an individual. God’s other children have many of these gifts although there are some gifts that are reserved for his royal children which is only to be expected. This has to do with spiritual evolution, and having a deep, eternal, abiding relationship with God. However we can all learn how to tap into most of these and utilize them as needed.
Healing work for novices:
This is basic fundamental knowledge for doing healing work;
If you are doing healing work and you can’t seem to get a fix on what the problem is, than just say a prayer; and say, “Lord I don’t know what the problem or the situation is but I know that you do! So please send your power to find the problem and fix it. Please use me as a vessel for your Holy Spirit to come and work through”! For those that have never been trained in any type of healing modality like reiki but wish to do healing work than just ask that God use you as a vessel, and to protect and help you; then lay your hands on the person and pray for them; imagine them being healed, and think good thoughts for them! You should learn at the very least how to ground and center yourself, and how to shield yourself before attempting any kind of healing work. In cases of emergency ask God to protect you and help you, ground you and center you, and shield you! You do not want to take on other people’s issues and energies. This is why learning the grounding and shielding processes is so important!
Remember that your body is a temple of which your spirit is the inner sanctum. “Where attention goes energy flows” said James Redfield. He also said that you could say it this way, “where intention goes energy flows”. Be aware of your self.
“watch your thoughts they become your words. Watch your words they become your actions. Watch your actions they become your habits. What your habits they become your character. And Watch your character for it becomes your destiny.”
Original wise author unknown.
Remember also, you as a healer are not the source of healing but merely a vessel for it!
Further insights on how to pray:
Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. We are all familiar with these words. But let me change your perception of them. Be careful what you pray for because you will get it in some way, form, or fashion. Though it may not look like what you asked for at all. Be careful with your words and thoughts because they have power. Prayer is not just what you say. Prayer is an energy that you hold inside you; it is a field that you perpetually generate with your thoughts, words, actions, meditations, contemplations, musings, and even your unconscious thoughts. Praying doesn’t change God it changes us. It is how we connect with God, and a particular thought, or dream, or wish. We make requests from God all the time whether we know it or not. We need to become aware of this and begin to discipline and control our thoughts, and our minds. Take captive every thought. And in this way we can begin to create and generate better, bigger, clearer, purer, and much more effective and more beautiful prayer fields as james redfield calls them. We need to start instituting and restoring true prayer. This has started to happen but we need to accelerate the process. Because now that we are no innocent of it and we know the truth about prayer and have it in our consciousness then we will be held more responsible for how we use it, and what we co-create and manifest with the power God has given us to wield. We need to not place demands on God because it is rude and dangerous for us to do so. It works against our own best interest. Because we can not always see the inherent danger of what we might ask. Be careful about what desires that you allow your heart to linger on. They will take their toll. If they are good then you will find the energy of grace blessing you, and if they are bad then you will doom yourself to allowing negative energy to pollute and toxify your being, your body temple and the inner temple of your spirit. “Where attention goes energy flows” said james redfiled. He also said that you could say it this way, “where intention goes energy flows”. Be aware of your self.
“watch your thoughts they become your words. Watch your words they become your actions. Watch your actions they become your habits. What your habits they become your character. And Watch your character for it becomes your destiny.”
Original wise author unknown.
One should never pray for God to just give them wisdom and knowledge. They will not respect the information they did not have to earn. Wisdom that isn’t earned can become dangerous. One will not truly understand the power they wield or see all the ways they can go awry. One should instead pray that God help them to become wise. That he make them wise. Then he will bless them by having events happen in their life to teach them wisdom, as he did for Solomon of old.
One should never pray that God give them unspecified power. They should ask that he help them to step into power, that he give them a specific power, or that he make them powerful by becoming the power that they seek.
Ones prayers should mainly consist of worshiping God, talking with him as a friend and a lover. One should keep petitioning prayers at a minimum. Just talking to God and saying thank you is a very good prayer. He already knows your prayers, needs, wants, desires, and longings. Praying doesn’t change him it changes us. Prayer changes our internal and external reality. He will give you what you ask for so be careful what you ask for. Though he always answers our prayers, sometimes for our own good he supersedes our free will and says no to us. Sometimes when we say we don’t want something to happen he gives it to us despite our request. God always answers our prayers; and he has three answers; yes, no, and later! We should not seek to live life by our will; we should learn to say “this is what I pray Lord, yet not my will but thine be done! Make my will one with yours Lord God! I will to will they will”!
If you read the lords prayer and truly understand what Christ taught us about praying it will change the way you pray; your attitude toward prayer. Christ didn’t espouse a weak prayer saying “oh God please give this retched miserable sinner some food and drink, and cloths, and money, and status, and health”. No he prayed a prayer of power that is an affirmation more then a request. He said God let your kingdom come and your will be done as above so below. Then he went on to say give us this day our daily bread, protect us, teach us what is right, and forgive us for our sins. The most miraculous thing about everything he told us to ask for was the tone of the request. He requested things in such a way as if to say that God had already given them to him. He said give us this day what we need and then he moved on, because He already knew The Father was taking care of it.
Always test the spirits and know who you are dealing with. Scripture says that any spirit that professes that Jesus (Yashua) came in the flesh is of God. So ask whatever spirit you are dealing with if Jesus came in the flesh, and if they say yes then they are ok, and if they say something else then send them away.
Manifestation charm:
(pray to God and ask him to hear your prayer, align yourself to divine will for the highest good of all, visualize, and intend desire)
my power is one with the all power
my speech is one with the word
my will is the will of heaven
my prayer will now unfold
I pray to the God for guidance to reveal to me my path
I pray to the God for work something good to last
I evinvoke to my life abundance prosperity and grace
That all my needs may be met
And my wants to fruition swiftly pace!
So shall it be!
note; i combined the words evoke and invoke into evinvoke for my own ritual work. it is quicker and easier and Spirit knows what I mean!
Meditations of great power in knowing ones self:
arousal of the inner fire:
could add kundalini exercises and symbols to this)
can stand or sit for this meditation but for our purposes here we will sit! Get
comfortable in whatever position you choose! Close your eyes! Breath in deeply
from the diaphragm not the chest! Breath in through your nose and out through
your mouth. Breath in and hold for three seconds and then out through your
mouth. Imagine light all around you, glowing gentle light with a soft glow like
candle light, then it gets brighter and brighter like sunlight. Breath in the
light and exhale the light! Breath in the light and when you exhale, exhale all
of your negative thoughts; exhale all of you worries, your fears, your
thoughts, your stresses, all of your concerns! Breath in the light and out the
light until there is no more stress left in you! The negative energy that you
are breathing out will look like dark gray! Keep breathing until you are
breathing in and breathing out pure light; and then you will be cleansed!
move you awareness down to your sacred shaman center (the hara- the core star
of our being, our absolute center located at our belly)!
all of your awareness to your center! When it is fully there experience the
light of your core star. This is the seat of your power, and your connection to
God! Imagine the light takes on a color! This color is your favorite color,
your power color! Let it fill your center and then let it surge out ward; up
through your spine out through the top of your head, out through your arms and
hands, and down through your legs and feet! Let this color extend all around
you! Let this color enclose you and a sphere (an egg, or a cocoon will work as
well), of light! When you are completely encased in this light then bring your
attention back down into your center! In your center imagine a spark of fire!
Imagine that this spark grows in a spiral pattern; then it sparks again,
several sparks! Then it turns into a flame! Imagine this flame grows then
travel with your awareness up the flame! The flame moves with you into your
solar plexus! This is your power chakra! Now the flame grows brighter and its
heat intensifies but it is not uncomfortable! The flame of light starts to look
golden, pure gold fire, as gold as liquid gold lava! Then it begins to turn
into your power color! Now extend your arms out in the position of
evinvocation! Now a cloud of mists gathers around you from all around you and
above you! This is the mists of Avalon sent by God! Feel its coolness; its
dampness surrounding you. Keeping you safe so you will not get burned from your
inner fire! You are comfortable inside and out! Now bring your hands down in
front of you! Your spirit shield is close to your body! Begin to slowly move it
outward! Let the flame of your inner fire move outward, out in front of you, up
and out of your head, out of your arms and hands, down and out of your legs and
feet! Until your power color that is surrounding you is very dense and
powerful! Now your whole aura is this color; and you make it as big as
possible! Feel the colored flames flashing around you, pouring forth from your
hands! You can use this to manifest, and to heal, and you can call up this
inner fire anytime you need to! This is the power behind your grace; behind
your intent! This is your inner Awen, (they can visualize the cho ku rei and
you could say “this is your reiki fire” or the blue flame and you could say
“this is the sacred secret flame of sekhem.”)! This is your spirit shield! It
is the energetic protection that God gives you and so much more! Now you can
rest your hands again palms up on your lap!
Take a moment and connect with God like you do
in grounding! You are one with all good and living things, with all good
beings, with all of the universe you are one; one with God! We are all apart of
the great web tapestry that God spins forever from his sacred loom! Take a
moment and feel God, and thank him for the gift of life and for his protection
of the inner fire your spirit that he gave you! Now move your awareness to your
heart chakra! There is a sphere of golden white light that lives there; this is
your heart fire, the fire in your lotus center! This is the grail fire! Let it
grow, and expand in all directions! This is the sacred marriage basket! There
are daggers; spears of light that shoot forth from it in all directions! The
light grows and grows and grows until it envelops your spirit shield, it keeps
on growing as big as you want it too! This is your outer shield; just as your
spirit shield is your inner shield! This shield allows you to protect your
self, and others, and to aid in all healing work! Now bring begin to bring your outer shield
back down, making it smaller and smaller until it enters again into your heart
chakra! Now bring your spirit shield back down close to you! Make it smaller
and smaller until it is small enough to enter again into your solar plexus chakra!
When you have taken down your shields allow your awareness to enter again in
your shaman center! When you have brought back your full awareness into your
center the seat of your power begin to move up with your awareness through your
spine; up through your solar plexus chakra, up through your heart chakra, up
through your throat chakra, up into your brow third eye chakra! This is the
place of all your perceptions! And when your full awareness is here, allow your
self to slowly and fully come back to consciousness, and open up your eyes when
you are ready!
fibers and spirit shield:
can stand or sit for this meditation but for our purposes here we will sit! Get
comfortable in whatever position you choose! Close your eyes! Breath in deeply
from the diaphragm not the chest! Breath in through your nose and out through
your mouth. Breath in and hold for three seconds and then out through your
mouth. Imagine light all around you, glowing gentle light with a soft glow like
candle light, then it gets brighter and brighter like sunlight. Breath in the
light and exhale the light! Breath in the light and when you exhale, exhale all
of your negative thoughts; exhale all of you worries, your fears, your
thoughts, your stresses, all of your concerns! Breath in the light and out the
light until there is no more stress left in you! The negative energy that you
are breathing out will look like dark gray! Keep breathing until you are
breathing in and breathing out pure light; and then you will be cleansed!
move you awareness down to your sacred shaman center (the hara- the core star
of our being, our absolute center located at our belly)!
all of your awareness to your center! When it is fully there experience the
light of your core star. This is the seat of your power, and your connection to
your body completely disappearing! All physicality slowly fades away! Your are
lighter now; a purely energetic being! Imagine that your body is consists of
luminous fibers. Your body is made only out of luminous fibers; so that you are
dense but not completely solid! These fibers shine like the moon but they are
green luminous fibers of fabric! They are tightly woven together! They make up
the form of your body! Now move your awareness down into your feet! Visualize
the form of our feet; your toes; your heals; your ankles; your lower legs all
completely incased in tightly woven green fabric! Visualize the trunk of your
body; the front and the back of your whole torso! Fabric forming all the way up
to your chest; your arms; your hands; your neck; your shoulders; your head all
completely incubated in this cocoon of green fabric! Feel the fibers tightly
knit! They are so tight that if you were to hold up a light behind your body,
the light would not shine through! The threads like the cloths you ware are
tightly knitted! The delicate strands of your web of fibers is dense! Begin to
slowly move your thoughts inside this newly created form! Imagine your spirit
as pink vibrant light filling the form
of the green tapestry fabric! Your spirit is contained within, held within;
healed within! Get a good feeling o what it is like to have your spirit
contained! To have it housed and limited in movement! When you have the idea
that you want to be invisible and anonymous in the world, and you do not want
to vulnerable; this is how you are; tightly knit in your physical shield! Your
spirit shield is the pink light, limited to the boundaries of the radiant
fibers. Take some deep breaths and be with this awareness for a while!
your thoughts down to your feet and begin to loosen the fibers! Stretch the
fabric with your spirit fingers; with your intent! Begin to see little spaces
where pink light shines between and through the threads! Move up from your feet
loosening the threads all the way up your legs; the trunk of your body; your
chest; your arms, hands, and fingers; all the way up to the top of your head!
Take your time, this may be a new feeling for you!
contain the pink light within your fibers! Be with this feeling and this
awareness for a while! By the force of
your will, which emanates from your sacred shaman center to the rest of your
being, begin to move the pink light out through the spaces between the fibers!
Move the light; your spirit shield out, away from your form, to around three
inches from your body! Let your spirit fringe out around the limits of your
body form in a soft glow! From your feet; all the way up your body from your
center! All the way to your head; you begin to look like a sphere (egg, etc…)
of pink light! You might have a feeling of floating in a void, or the abyss; as
if you are suddenly more vulnerable than you have ever been in your entire
life; but do not hold any fear! To truly love; to truly love another and merge
your energy with theirs, to love anything; you can not contain the light;
hidden behind those fibers! Take some deep breaths and begin to allow the light
to move! Sense that you are breathing in and out! Sense the beat of your heart!
Do this for several minutes! Begin to let the light of your spirit shield
pulsate with your breathing, and the beating of your heart! Do this for several
minutes until you feel the full extent of what is happening!
Begin to slowly contract your spirit shield back within
the boundaries of your form! Start with your feet and begin to moving back up
your body, to the top of your head! bring your shield in an feel its intensity!
Feel the constriction and the energy that takes hold of your spirit shield in
such a way! Feel how much energy it takes to contain your spirit shield! Now
you understand why spirits do not become dense enough to manifest that often in
tangible form! Take your awareness,
your consciousness back down into your feet and begin to close up the fibers;
tightly weaving them together up your body; to the top of your head until you
are dense again! Close up the fibers and weave them tight! Move your awareness
back into your self; into the pink light of your spirit shield! Contract the
light until it becomes a ball of glowing luminosity, and energy, around your
sacred shaman center! The light fills you with brightness; your radiant fibers
only shine because of the light of your spirit! Like a spider web in a window
the silken threads only look like pure crystalline threads of light when they
are reflecting sunlight! When they reflect the light of your spirit shield they
become luminous; and the more powerful you are, the more radiant and beautiful
your fibers become! In the state of vulnerability you are even closer to God!
God fears nothing, and holds nothing back when he loves! Your spirit shield
comes from God; it is this part of you that is always part of God! Channel this
energy through your hands in order to wield great power and healing from God!
To do this, make a void, a home, a place within you for power to come and live!
Then connect with God and allow the divine energy and the great presence to
flow through you, into you, around you! Allow yourself to be a vehicle of this
energy! Slowly begin to move your
energy up into your solar plexus chakra; this is where your force, your power,
your intent, your prayer field goes out into the world to bring about the
manifestation of our intent! Feel the power here and be with this awareness for
a while! Slowly move up into your heart
chakra; this is the place where we receive energy and channel it to the rest of
our body! This is the place where the divine presence comes to live after we
invite it into a more personal relationship with us! God moves the divine
presence up from our shaman center into our heart chakra and we harbor its
light in the sacred grail of our hearts! Be with this feeling for a while! Slowly move up into your throat chakra; this
is the place where we speak our truth; where we make our authentic selves
known! This is the place where we manifest things with our words, and where we
shift the focus of our thoughts, attitudes, and life patterns! Slowly move up into your brow chakra! This
is your third eye! This is the realm of the intellect and the seat of all of
our perceptions of life and the worlds around us! Focus on your breathing and allow yourself
to begin to come back into full consciousness! Take your time; go slow;
concentrate on your breath and come back when you’re ready! Blessed be!
mediations were based on Lynn V. Andrews meditations and were adapted by
Loush. M. O’Raven in Oct., in the year of our Lord 2006!
Levels of the mind:
The conscious mind: usually
simply called the mind, or the top mind. The part of the brain which we have
access to in the course of an average waking day. It is the part of the mind
that holds retrievable memory and other easy to access information. The mind.
The sub-conscious mind: the
middle mind. The part of the mind of which we are only faintly aware and have
only tentative connection to, or ability to tap into. This is the part of the
mind right below the surface. This is the place where daydreams take us. we
also tap into it when are lightly sleeping and have not entered r.e.m.; we
dream but not as in deep sleep. The dreams are more coherent and easily
manipulated. It is the place where we can begin to practice lucid dreaming. Emotions,
the heart.
The unconscious mind: the deep
mind of which we have very little awareness. However it is this mind that is
awakened during entering the dreamscape, while taping into the collective
unconscious, and under hypnosis for things like past life regression. This is
the land of arch-types and symbols. And while we can tap into arch-types and
symbols and have conscious connection to them and use of them, they will always
belong to the inner landscape of the unconscious mind. This is also the place
where cellular and body memory are linked to the mind. The imagination.
Corpus callosum: the
connective tissues which join the left and right hemispheres of the human
brain. This is utilized heavily during the creation of art, and during ritual.
This also has connection to awakened kundalini energy and issues.
The higher mind: this is the
total mind of the higher self.
The divine mind: this is the
mind of God
The collective unconscious
(and the dreamscape): a phrase that was coined by Carl Jung. This term refers
to something very real indeed even though it is a word from recent psychology.
This is a universal brain to some degree. This is the deep unconscious
connection of all living, sentient, beings. The entire sum of human wisdom,
memory, knowledge, and experience past, present, and future are contained
within this shared universal mind. A vast portion of the collective unconscious is a portion or country in the world of the collective unconscious called the
dreamscape. The sum of human hopes, fears, lusts, desires, wants, urges,
longings, wishes, dreams, cravings, yearnings, ambitions, etcetera are found
within this landscape of the shared human soul. Through our dreams every human
being is connected. Dreams literally allow us to survive this life and keep our
sanity aswell as allowing our brains and bodies to regenerate. Archetypes and
symbols are the main language of the collective unconscious and specifically
the dreamscape.
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