Posts on the basic need to know information on the Art, Practice, and Science of the Medical system of Aromatherapy can be found here. Some information found here will also be found on the Herbalism page called The Wisdom of Plants.
The Historical Applications of Essential Oil’s:
a brief synopsis on the use of plant based medicines throughout history; and the current health crises we face today.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth! The memory’s of most human beings alive today are seared with those famous words which begin the holy scriptures of the Judaic, Christian, and Islamic faiths! Since the dawn of man, people have believed that creation is infused with some remnant of the divinity of a creator; Some part of divine creative power that still exist within us, and the earth itself. Part of that power has to do with healing; at least in the mindset of ancient man. What is healing really? Well, in its most basic broken down state, it can best be described as any instrument used for maintaining quality and function of life; preventing any imbalance that might lead to a disruption in that quality; or a restoration of any balance due to a loss of quality to the life force of the whole make up of a living organism! Dis-ease and unrest can occur in the body, the mind, the proverbial heart, or the spirit of a person! It is the wounding of the spirit however that is most dangerous to the health of a human! It has long been thought that everything that happens on the physical molecular level of life first begins in some form as an event, or occurrence of the spiritual or energetic (metaphysical/ quantum physical) plain of existence!
From the time of the earliest historical records; to the pictograph paintings, or carvings on cavern walls, we know that people have used plants and intention to address and bring healing to the afflictions of their fellow man, and themselves! Some cultures believe that we learned this from the animals, or by trial and error, while still some say it was revealed to us by higher intelligence! Whatever you believe, it can’t be argued with that we knew about the healing benefits of plants and how to use them to prevent, and to cure illness. Many cultures in antiquity are famed for their use of herbs and oil’s. none so much as the Hebrews and their surrounding neighbors. The bible from beginning to end is filled with great medical knowledge if one knows how to find it within the holy writ, and how to pick it out! “Those that have ears to hear, let them hear and those that have the eye’s to see, let them see”! Many of the famous stories in the old and new testaments speak the word anointing. Anointing is applying essential oil’s to the body for a specific purpose, or blessing the body with the energy of prayer! In the old testament we see stories of prophets anointing kings; as in the story of Samuel anointing David to set him apart, and mark him as blessed; down to the book of Esther where the future queen receives healthful beauty treatments for a year before even being brought to the king! Now we can see in these examples three different functions for the oil’s. While David’s was mainly spiritual the oil used on him also helped to protect his health and guard against disease! Beauty was thought in a large part to come from good health and from the character of an individual! The king needed to be blessed, healthy, and beautiful in order to rule in the mindsets of the ancient peoples! In the story of Haddasa also called Esther, the queen had to be treated with oil’s to make sure she was free from disease before being brought to the king. They also functioned to make her beautiful as the oil’s were the cosmetics of her day, and indeed these oil’s were also thought to pass a divine grace to the queen, making her spiritually fit to rule next to the king. Most people in this country do not know that in the old testament, the very act of going to the temple to worship God provided the Hebrew people with inoculation against disease, illness, and plague! It could in fact heal those who were already sick! This is because of the anointing oil’s that God commanded the priest’s to prepare for his service, and the incense that they burned in the temple! Frankincense, myrrh, cedar wood, and many others were used. The herbal smoke kept illness out of the temple, and gave cleansing to the people who went to worship. The smoke actually helped their respiratory system; like our modern vix vapor rub in a way! The oil provided cleansing, better energy levels, mood elevation, and an immune boost.
In the apocrypha and many of the missing gospels (wrongly edited texts from the bible), we find many accounts of herbs being used! The most famous of all of these is the book of Ecclesiasticus where it was said, “God put medicines in the earth and a wise man shall not despise them”! In the new testament we are literally bombarded time and again with stories of Christ, the judeao-christian messiah being surrounded by essential oil’s! The very titles of Christos (Christ) and the Hebrew form of the word which is Hamashia (Messiah) translate as the appointed anointed one. The actual name of Christ in scripture is Yeshua (Hebrew), or Easus (Greek), which in the English tongue translates to Joshua. From the birth to the resurrection of Yeshua we have stories concerning aromatherapy. When the wise men from the east, who were pagan astrologers and kings, followed the star of Yacov (the Christmas dog star) to the place where Yoseph and Miriam were staying, and where she gave birth; they brought with them gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh! Many think the gold was currency or jewelry befitting the status of royalty; but there are other trains of thought. There was a powder made of pure gold that kings in the east used to paint themselves with during celebrations for beatification, social recognition, and protection from illness, which may have been carried to the festivities! Then again, it may have been an elixir (water infused with minerals) of gold and precious stones, meant to promote health! They also brought for the baby king and his mother essential oil’s of frankincense and myrrh! These oil’s had so many functions spiritually, medicinally, and cosmetically! For Miriam they would have provided a way to get rid of stretch-marks caused by giving birth, to protect against chapped lips and breasts, and by putting the oil’s on her breasts; a way to inoculate her child from illness. When the baby breast fed he could get nutrients through the milk and the myrrh to provide safe health. For the baby, besides giving him medicine, the oil’s were meant to anoint him for his death; which many believe the wise men saw in his star chart, as well as blessing the baby. Later on in Yeshua’s life we see many examples of this same thing occurring. He washed his disciples feet with water, and it was common practice when giving someone a foot baptism (cleansing/ washing), to dry their feet off and apply oil’s, and in some cases to give a slight foot massage to help circulate the oil’s through the body. In some other cases it was customary to put the oil’s directly in the water for the feet, to wash the feet, and then dry them off. We see that Christ was baptized and anointed by Yohn (john) who many believe was a blood relation of Christ. The scripture also tells us of a woman who anointed his feet with tears and oil, and dried them with her hair. We are told of yet another woman named Miriam (of Bethany) who anointed his hair with a costly perfume called spikenard (nard), which cost a year’s worth of wages. We are also told of when Miriam Magdalene along with two other women took aloes (sandalwood), and myrrh to anoint the dead body of Christ when she was met by angles with news of the Resurrection. While Christ was on the cross he was offered refreshment in two instances. The first was vinegar water with hyssop which he took gratefully because it helped to hydrate him. The second was wine mixed with gal (probably a mixture of the essential oil’s galbanum, onycha, and myrrh) which he refused; because it would have made him numb and slightly intoxicated to relieve some of the pain! He wanted to be fully aware and in control of his faculties, as well as suffering the full pain of the cross in order to accomplish his great redeeming work! It was spoken about Christ that there was a balm in Gilead! Christ in these passages is being compared to a common healing balm made then by blending several essential oils and herbs together. The base or carrier oil for most things at that time was olive oil; which not only had wonderful healing agents for the body but was abundant, easy to make, and extremely affordable, as well as being spiritually significant to the peoples in the middle east! Revelation the great book of the prophecy about the end of time’s, tells us that when the messiah comes back his robes will wreak with cassia oil. The oil of rose also plays an important role in the life of Christ as we are told that he is the Rose of Sharon! There is no doubt that through out his life essential oils those I have named and the many I have not, where indeed an essential and integral part of his story!
Let us not forget other cultures that also carried a terrifically abundant knowledge of oil’s which they shared with history and thereby us! The Kemetic peoples of Egypt, the Kushite peoples of the Hindu nations of India, the Babylonians with their famous hanging gardens of health and beauty; the Syrians and Asyrians, and all the cultures of the middle east shared with us! The cultures of Greece, Rome, and Celtia also gave us great understanding of how to heal with oil’s. From the garden of Eden, to the cave dwellers, all the way to our modern times we have used the healing gifts of nature to find a wholeness in mind and body; the way God and nature intended! We should not forget the French and Italian contributions to the use of oil’s! No country in the world has done more for the crafting of perfume than France who was inspired by the Persian’s; and no nation in the world has given us more understanding of cooking oil’s, cooking herbs, and an unsurpassed knowledge of our common cooking spices then the Italians in my humble opinion! The peoples of the orient, and the far east have mastered the art of tea making above all other races! In truth the people of china, and India have what many consider to be the oldest, and most advanced medical systems in the world! The pagan peoples of Egypt and Greece gave us such a rich understanding of health and wellness. Some of their texts still survive today, and are still having an affect on our medical system to some degree!
Hypocrites the father of modern medicine was well known for his teaching that to have an aromatic bath and scented massage each day was the path to good health! I have to wonder what he would say now about the skewed direction and absurd philosophies held by modern western so-called “physicians” today! I wonder what he would think about the wayward direction taken by the food and drug administration; or about the horrific “immunization” and “booster” shots given to so many unsuspecting children, who have no clue that their immune system is being systematically destroyed and that they may even become autistic and die at an earlier age! When did we decide that it was alright to arbitrarily kill our kids?
I wonder when the people that we entrusted with our lives, and our health forgot what is suppose to be their first and most sacred creed, “first do no harm”! I wonder when they chose to ignore that their first duty is to improve the quality of life for their patients! I wonder when things went so wrong for us.
We no longer have to take part in this genocide that the western neo so-called “medicine” industry is reaping on us! We have another option! Nature, is calling out to us to remember our sacred duty in preserving the earth and living in harmony with it! Mother earth calls to us to make use of her medicines, which bring true healing to us! It is clear that through the span of human history we have found healing through the use of oil’s! Now it seems, that this is the right time for us to begin using the oil’s again; because everyday this country sees more people converting to alternative, holistic, organic, and energetic medicines! The power of intention, prayer, words, thoughts, and attitude is now being proven by the very science that disregarded it for so long! The ancient pagan peoples called this majik! I use the word power, because of my personal religious beliefs. whatever name you put to it, it amounts to the same thing! The way to affect our world, our lives, and our health is within us, and within nature itself! I know it will offend many of my fellow christians to say this, but we who are christian owe a large debt of gratitude to the pagan peoples of the world; to the witches, to the shamans, to the medicine people in every culture, because it was they who kept the knowledge of oils and herbs alive passing them down through generations of their families, when science and the “christian” faiths belittled, condemned, and denounced the practice of using oil’s to create good health! I as a christian want to thank all of the pagan foremothers and forefathers who remembered for us when we chose to forget! Because of them European and eastern monks were among the first to once again take up the ancient task of healing by using what nature gives us. In other countries today, this is no joke; no laughing matter to the medical communities. They know and are exploring the healing benefits of nature based medicine. It is considered a real scientifically based, valid approach to health and not merely dangerous superstition as it is here in the United States of America! So serious they take the use of essential oil’s, herbs, and flower essences, that one needs a certificate and much official training to even practice this healing outside of the home! Here there is no such legal certification in any state! Times are changing though and these practices are becoming more mainstream everyday. I believe we will see over the next few years a dramatic change in the attitudes of western doctors towards these healing modalities. Speaking of this country; the native peoples of America did enjoy these medicines in a very, unique, spiritual, and rich way! Be it drinking herbal teas like the wise people of the orient, or smudging with herbal sacred incense smoke like the Hebrews in Israel, and the Hindu’s of India, they knew all to well the power contained within the plant world! For those not familiar with the word or practice, smudging is an ancient technique where you burn herbal incense to cleanse the body or ones environment. The native Americans used white sage, tobacco, sweet grass, cannabis, peyote, and pine amongst others to bring health to their people. In the temples of the east, be they Jewish, or of some other faith, they burned cedar wood, frankincense, myrrh, and others to bring about not only good health but, but a reverent attitude towards life, and the power that brought it about! The Celtic Druids used juniper, lavender, rosemary, and many others to cause a desired affect in health, mood, and consciousness. Even still to this day African villages safeguard their health with healing plants; and they are famous for their “organic dentistry” if you will. Many of us still remember the feeling of our grandmothers kitchens. Grandma’s potions that made us feel better when we were sick and the feeling of warmth and love that seemed to radiate even from her cooking and wrap us in abundant health. Our elders knew the importance of herbs. They cooked with them, made teas with them, and made poultices with them. In short they were part of the daily diet of our elders, for a great many reasons! It is sad what has happened here in the south west! The medicines of the tribal, the Latin, and the southern descendents of the Celtic immigrants have been ripped away from us. Our traditions are dying! Many of the native and Mexican women, and men who use to practice herbal healing have died, been pushed aside as antiquated, or gone into hiding for fear of persecution! Those of us from southern descent have been made to feel so much shame over the past; as if the civil war was the fault of anyone alive today; that even the good parts of our heritage have been swept away. Some of the music, the arts, the crafts, the hospitality that we are so famous for, and our way of healing! They have been all but forgotten to an alarming extent.
Now at this time of great shifting in our global society we are returning to the original, natural, and by far the best methods of maintaining a healthy lifestyle! Books abound with historical records, and pictures of hieroglyphs that speak of our predecessors treating all manner of illnesses with plant medicines! We see these records and look in wonder at how much they knew; how much we have forgotten; and how much we need and desire to remember. It has stirred within us a longing for the better parts of our common past as a species. I feel a change coming in the air! I believe we are on the threshold of new and wonderful discoveries in the realm of holistic healthcare; that is if we are not stopped by those ignorant people who fear change! In the future; as it was in the past, every culture, and religion will learn how to use and benefit from essential oil’s! It is I believe part of our shared destiny to relearn the ancient ways of healing, and to bring this healing back to our world! The great work of those of us who are healers has begun! May all those who read this be blessed, and may they come to feel as I do; as I have experienced; the awesome power of healing and transformation that God put into creation! I pray for you now, that you participate in a longer, healthier, enriched, beautiful, and deeply spiritual life!
A Hebrew Blessing Prayer Thanking God for the gift of Oil's;
Reverend Loush Mackay O’Raven
Minister, Aromatherapist, Shaman, and alternative health practitioner.
August 5th, in the year of our Lord 2007
The basics of how essential oils work:
The powerful, and classic Lavender Essential Oil!
The power of lavender oil is staggering! It can be used to heal burns, and insomnia. it has chemical properties which make it anti-septic, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-biotic, and anti-inflammatory. It is safe to use on any part of the body (avoid the eyes of course). It has been used for healing and beautification. It can be used to treat dry skin because it hydrates and locks in hydration. In fact next to air and water, lavender essential oil is the most oxygenating substance on the planet that we currently know of! It can actually aid in cancer treatments to help reprogram the d.n.a. of the human body to eliminate various cancers and toxins from the body. In other words; It can give signal to the body to boost the immune system so that it can fight off many different germs, illnesses, toxins, microbials, and other interruptions to our balanced health! Now the thing to remember about all essential oils is that to work they must be pure! Only a hand full of companies exist in america that provide such, safe, pure, therapeutic grade, one hundred percent essential organic oils!Among these companies are young living, aura cacia, and flower road therapies! However the purest and most powerful of these in all my many years experience as an aromatherapist is young living essential oils. I have had the most positive, powerful experiences and real results using these oils. This, and talking to a couple of botanists led me to become an independent distributor for Young Living! When you buy an essential oil check the label, and know what you are buying! Besides dry skin,lavender has helped to heal chapped lips, and can be used on every skin type for a multitude of skin issues. Lavender brings calmness. However the one thing it can not be used for is to get energy. Lavender is a sedative, so remember not to use it during certain activities like driving, test taking, at work, or during sex! It can help high blood pressure! When i suffered from high blood pressure i went through four years of no one believing me because i was "too young" to have it. Then one day my nose began to bleed and did not stop for four hours. I was taken to the hospital where it was determined that i was at heart attack blood pressure levels. There they finally looked at my family's pension towards having high blood pressure and diabetes, as well as my weight issues. They immediately put me on some so called medication which for the full two and a half years of me taking it kept me a zombie. Finally i had enough! I got off their poison, which only suppressed symptoms and i began to help myself instead. Through prayer, meditation, visualization, mantras, essential oils, certain herbal combinations, and a change in diet i changed my life, my health, and my course in life! Now i want to help others do the same thing! take back their own power over their lives and health! Lavender can help erase the smell of cigarette smoke. Lavender is the most useful and universal of all the essential oils, consequently it is the most used. To many healers and their clients it has become a cliche'. Well cliche' or not it is a powerful healing substance that works! If you can have only one essential in your possession make sure it is versatile lavender!
bright blessings!
Young Living Essential Oils; my Young Living experience...


As an aroma-therapist I can honestly say that essential oils have helped change my entire life. They along with Reiki are my primary health care. Especially the young living oils which I am now an independent distributor for. Essential oils are the most powerful natural medicines that God has given us; that he has gifted to us! Change your life, and your health by rediscovering for yourself what Sacred Anointing really means in its fullness! Young living essential oils are simply put the purest and most potent oils on the market today. Learn about these exciting products; that are truly health in a bottle! They will help bring healing to all the levels of the entire five fold nature of the human soul being (body (and subtle metaphysical etheric bodies), mind, heart, spirit, and imagination)! Essential oils will help transform your life and health and uplift you to a new paradigm!
“The most High hath created medicines out of the earth, and a wise man shall not despise them.” Taken from the Book of Ecclesiasticus (38:4)

Chakra essential oil chart:
The Historical Applications of Essential Oil’s:
a brief synopsis on the use of plant based medicines throughout history; and the current health crises we face today.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth! The memory’s of most human beings alive today are seared with those famous words which begin the holy scriptures of the Judaic, Christian, and Islamic faiths! Since the dawn of man, people have believed that creation is infused with some remnant of the divinity of a creator; Some part of divine creative power that still exist within us, and the earth itself. Part of that power has to do with healing; at least in the mindset of ancient man. What is healing really? Well, in its most basic broken down state, it can best be described as any instrument used for maintaining quality and function of life; preventing any imbalance that might lead to a disruption in that quality; or a restoration of any balance due to a loss of quality to the life force of the whole make up of a living organism! Dis-ease and unrest can occur in the body, the mind, the proverbial heart, or the spirit of a person! It is the wounding of the spirit however that is most dangerous to the health of a human! It has long been thought that everything that happens on the physical molecular level of life first begins in some form as an event, or occurrence of the spiritual or energetic (metaphysical/ quantum physical) plain of existence!
From the time of the earliest historical records; to the pictograph paintings, or carvings on cavern walls, we know that people have used plants and intention to address and bring healing to the afflictions of their fellow man, and themselves! Some cultures believe that we learned this from the animals, or by trial and error, while still some say it was revealed to us by higher intelligence! Whatever you believe, it can’t be argued with that we knew about the healing benefits of plants and how to use them to prevent, and to cure illness. Many cultures in antiquity are famed for their use of herbs and oil’s. none so much as the Hebrews and their surrounding neighbors. The bible from beginning to end is filled with great medical knowledge if one knows how to find it within the holy writ, and how to pick it out! “Those that have ears to hear, let them hear and those that have the eye’s to see, let them see”! Many of the famous stories in the old and new testaments speak the word anointing. Anointing is applying essential oil’s to the body for a specific purpose, or blessing the body with the energy of prayer! In the old testament we see stories of prophets anointing kings; as in the story of Samuel anointing David to set him apart, and mark him as blessed; down to the book of Esther where the future queen receives healthful beauty treatments for a year before even being brought to the king! Now we can see in these examples three different functions for the oil’s. While David’s was mainly spiritual the oil used on him also helped to protect his health and guard against disease! Beauty was thought in a large part to come from good health and from the character of an individual! The king needed to be blessed, healthy, and beautiful in order to rule in the mindsets of the ancient peoples! In the story of Haddasa also called Esther, the queen had to be treated with oil’s to make sure she was free from disease before being brought to the king. They also functioned to make her beautiful as the oil’s were the cosmetics of her day, and indeed these oil’s were also thought to pass a divine grace to the queen, making her spiritually fit to rule next to the king. Most people in this country do not know that in the old testament, the very act of going to the temple to worship God provided the Hebrew people with inoculation against disease, illness, and plague! It could in fact heal those who were already sick! This is because of the anointing oil’s that God commanded the priest’s to prepare for his service, and the incense that they burned in the temple! Frankincense, myrrh, cedar wood, and many others were used. The herbal smoke kept illness out of the temple, and gave cleansing to the people who went to worship. The smoke actually helped their respiratory system; like our modern vix vapor rub in a way! The oil provided cleansing, better energy levels, mood elevation, and an immune boost.
In the apocrypha and many of the missing gospels (wrongly edited texts from the bible), we find many accounts of herbs being used! The most famous of all of these is the book of Ecclesiasticus where it was said, “God put medicines in the earth and a wise man shall not despise them”! In the new testament we are literally bombarded time and again with stories of Christ, the judeao-christian messiah being surrounded by essential oil’s! The very titles of Christos (Christ) and the Hebrew form of the word which is Hamashia (Messiah) translate as the appointed anointed one. The actual name of Christ in scripture is Yeshua (Hebrew), or Easus (Greek), which in the English tongue translates to Joshua. From the birth to the resurrection of Yeshua we have stories concerning aromatherapy. When the wise men from the east, who were pagan astrologers and kings, followed the star of Yacov (the Christmas dog star) to the place where Yoseph and Miriam were staying, and where she gave birth; they brought with them gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh! Many think the gold was currency or jewelry befitting the status of royalty; but there are other trains of thought. There was a powder made of pure gold that kings in the east used to paint themselves with during celebrations for beatification, social recognition, and protection from illness, which may have been carried to the festivities! Then again, it may have been an elixir (water infused with minerals) of gold and precious stones, meant to promote health! They also brought for the baby king and his mother essential oil’s of frankincense and myrrh! These oil’s had so many functions spiritually, medicinally, and cosmetically! For Miriam they would have provided a way to get rid of stretch-marks caused by giving birth, to protect against chapped lips and breasts, and by putting the oil’s on her breasts; a way to inoculate her child from illness. When the baby breast fed he could get nutrients through the milk and the myrrh to provide safe health. For the baby, besides giving him medicine, the oil’s were meant to anoint him for his death; which many believe the wise men saw in his star chart, as well as blessing the baby. Later on in Yeshua’s life we see many examples of this same thing occurring. He washed his disciples feet with water, and it was common practice when giving someone a foot baptism (cleansing/ washing), to dry their feet off and apply oil’s, and in some cases to give a slight foot massage to help circulate the oil’s through the body. In some other cases it was customary to put the oil’s directly in the water for the feet, to wash the feet, and then dry them off. We see that Christ was baptized and anointed by Yohn (john) who many believe was a blood relation of Christ. The scripture also tells us of a woman who anointed his feet with tears and oil, and dried them with her hair. We are told of yet another woman named Miriam (of Bethany) who anointed his hair with a costly perfume called spikenard (nard), which cost a year’s worth of wages. We are also told of when Miriam Magdalene along with two other women took aloes (sandalwood), and myrrh to anoint the dead body of Christ when she was met by angles with news of the Resurrection. While Christ was on the cross he was offered refreshment in two instances. The first was vinegar water with hyssop which he took gratefully because it helped to hydrate him. The second was wine mixed with gal (probably a mixture of the essential oil’s galbanum, onycha, and myrrh) which he refused; because it would have made him numb and slightly intoxicated to relieve some of the pain! He wanted to be fully aware and in control of his faculties, as well as suffering the full pain of the cross in order to accomplish his great redeeming work! It was spoken about Christ that there was a balm in Gilead! Christ in these passages is being compared to a common healing balm made then by blending several essential oils and herbs together. The base or carrier oil for most things at that time was olive oil; which not only had wonderful healing agents for the body but was abundant, easy to make, and extremely affordable, as well as being spiritually significant to the peoples in the middle east! Revelation the great book of the prophecy about the end of time’s, tells us that when the messiah comes back his robes will wreak with cassia oil. The oil of rose also plays an important role in the life of Christ as we are told that he is the Rose of Sharon! There is no doubt that through out his life essential oils those I have named and the many I have not, where indeed an essential and integral part of his story!
Let us not forget other cultures that also carried a terrifically abundant knowledge of oil’s which they shared with history and thereby us! The Kemetic peoples of Egypt, the Kushite peoples of the Hindu nations of India, the Babylonians with their famous hanging gardens of health and beauty; the Syrians and Asyrians, and all the cultures of the middle east shared with us! The cultures of Greece, Rome, and Celtia also gave us great understanding of how to heal with oil’s. From the garden of Eden, to the cave dwellers, all the way to our modern times we have used the healing gifts of nature to find a wholeness in mind and body; the way God and nature intended! We should not forget the French and Italian contributions to the use of oil’s! No country in the world has done more for the crafting of perfume than France who was inspired by the Persian’s; and no nation in the world has given us more understanding of cooking oil’s, cooking herbs, and an unsurpassed knowledge of our common cooking spices then the Italians in my humble opinion! The peoples of the orient, and the far east have mastered the art of tea making above all other races! In truth the people of china, and India have what many consider to be the oldest, and most advanced medical systems in the world! The pagan peoples of Egypt and Greece gave us such a rich understanding of health and wellness. Some of their texts still survive today, and are still having an affect on our medical system to some degree!
Hypocrites the father of modern medicine was well known for his teaching that to have an aromatic bath and scented massage each day was the path to good health! I have to wonder what he would say now about the skewed direction and absurd philosophies held by modern western so-called “physicians” today! I wonder what he would think about the wayward direction taken by the food and drug administration; or about the horrific “immunization” and “booster” shots given to so many unsuspecting children, who have no clue that their immune system is being systematically destroyed and that they may even become autistic and die at an earlier age! When did we decide that it was alright to arbitrarily kill our kids?
I wonder when the people that we entrusted with our lives, and our health forgot what is suppose to be their first and most sacred creed, “first do no harm”! I wonder when they chose to ignore that their first duty is to improve the quality of life for their patients! I wonder when things went so wrong for us.
We no longer have to take part in this genocide that the western neo so-called “medicine” industry is reaping on us! We have another option! Nature, is calling out to us to remember our sacred duty in preserving the earth and living in harmony with it! Mother earth calls to us to make use of her medicines, which bring true healing to us! It is clear that through the span of human history we have found healing through the use of oil’s! Now it seems, that this is the right time for us to begin using the oil’s again; because everyday this country sees more people converting to alternative, holistic, organic, and energetic medicines! The power of intention, prayer, words, thoughts, and attitude is now being proven by the very science that disregarded it for so long! The ancient pagan peoples called this majik! I use the word power, because of my personal religious beliefs. whatever name you put to it, it amounts to the same thing! The way to affect our world, our lives, and our health is within us, and within nature itself! I know it will offend many of my fellow christians to say this, but we who are christian owe a large debt of gratitude to the pagan peoples of the world; to the witches, to the shamans, to the medicine people in every culture, because it was they who kept the knowledge of oils and herbs alive passing them down through generations of their families, when science and the “christian” faiths belittled, condemned, and denounced the practice of using oil’s to create good health! I as a christian want to thank all of the pagan foremothers and forefathers who remembered for us when we chose to forget! Because of them European and eastern monks were among the first to once again take up the ancient task of healing by using what nature gives us. In other countries today, this is no joke; no laughing matter to the medical communities. They know and are exploring the healing benefits of nature based medicine. It is considered a real scientifically based, valid approach to health and not merely dangerous superstition as it is here in the United States of America! So serious they take the use of essential oil’s, herbs, and flower essences, that one needs a certificate and much official training to even practice this healing outside of the home! Here there is no such legal certification in any state! Times are changing though and these practices are becoming more mainstream everyday. I believe we will see over the next few years a dramatic change in the attitudes of western doctors towards these healing modalities. Speaking of this country; the native peoples of America did enjoy these medicines in a very, unique, spiritual, and rich way! Be it drinking herbal teas like the wise people of the orient, or smudging with herbal sacred incense smoke like the Hebrews in Israel, and the Hindu’s of India, they knew all to well the power contained within the plant world! For those not familiar with the word or practice, smudging is an ancient technique where you burn herbal incense to cleanse the body or ones environment. The native Americans used white sage, tobacco, sweet grass, cannabis, peyote, and pine amongst others to bring health to their people. In the temples of the east, be they Jewish, or of some other faith, they burned cedar wood, frankincense, myrrh, and others to bring about not only good health but, but a reverent attitude towards life, and the power that brought it about! The Celtic Druids used juniper, lavender, rosemary, and many others to cause a desired affect in health, mood, and consciousness. Even still to this day African villages safeguard their health with healing plants; and they are famous for their “organic dentistry” if you will. Many of us still remember the feeling of our grandmothers kitchens. Grandma’s potions that made us feel better when we were sick and the feeling of warmth and love that seemed to radiate even from her cooking and wrap us in abundant health. Our elders knew the importance of herbs. They cooked with them, made teas with them, and made poultices with them. In short they were part of the daily diet of our elders, for a great many reasons! It is sad what has happened here in the south west! The medicines of the tribal, the Latin, and the southern descendents of the Celtic immigrants have been ripped away from us. Our traditions are dying! Many of the native and Mexican women, and men who use to practice herbal healing have died, been pushed aside as antiquated, or gone into hiding for fear of persecution! Those of us from southern descent have been made to feel so much shame over the past; as if the civil war was the fault of anyone alive today; that even the good parts of our heritage have been swept away. Some of the music, the arts, the crafts, the hospitality that we are so famous for, and our way of healing! They have been all but forgotten to an alarming extent.
Now at this time of great shifting in our global society we are returning to the original, natural, and by far the best methods of maintaining a healthy lifestyle! Books abound with historical records, and pictures of hieroglyphs that speak of our predecessors treating all manner of illnesses with plant medicines! We see these records and look in wonder at how much they knew; how much we have forgotten; and how much we need and desire to remember. It has stirred within us a longing for the better parts of our common past as a species. I feel a change coming in the air! I believe we are on the threshold of new and wonderful discoveries in the realm of holistic healthcare; that is if we are not stopped by those ignorant people who fear change! In the future; as it was in the past, every culture, and religion will learn how to use and benefit from essential oil’s! It is I believe part of our shared destiny to relearn the ancient ways of healing, and to bring this healing back to our world! The great work of those of us who are healers has begun! May all those who read this be blessed, and may they come to feel as I do; as I have experienced; the awesome power of healing and transformation that God put into creation! I pray for you now, that you participate in a longer, healthier, enriched, beautiful, and deeply spiritual life!
A Hebrew Blessing Prayer Thanking God for the gift of Oil's;
Reverend Loush Mackay O’Raven
Minister, Aromatherapist, Shaman, and alternative health practitioner.
August 5th, in the year of our Lord 2007
The basics of how essential oils work:
more articles on Aromatherapy are coming in the future but I wanted to start out with talking about why essential oils work in the body! In future articles this will be clarified even more, but for now these semi-random notes will begin to educate you on why and how essential oils work as the greatest medicine that God gave us for the human body!
The basics of how essential oils work:
(Loush’s young living notes, and aromatherapy research)
Essential oils are plant substances, literally the extracted life blood of the plant (though not all plants will produce oil in large enough amounts to be used by humans and some plants, even some that are safe to eat produce toxic oils that should be avoided). These aromatic substances are made up of vital chemical compounds. There are several methods of application of utilizing the oils as medicines for the body! The three strongest being inhalation (breathing in their aroma), topical application (putting them on the skin, also called the act of anointing), and ingestion (taking them internally as a nutritional dietary supplement). Inhalation is the quickest way to use the oils. Essential oils have chemical compounds which enter directly into the brain when breathed and cause physiological change to happen by altering the current condition of the chemicals within the brain. Topical application is the second fastest way, and possibly the best way to use the oils. By applying the oils or oil blends on the skin they soak directly into the blood stream through the skin tissue much like water, they enter the blood stream and are distributed to the major organs of the body, pumped through the heart and into the brain. Another way to use the oils is by ingesting them. This can only be done with some essential oils and is not really the preferred method of utilizing them, because it does carry risks with some of the oils, and it generally takes three times longer to get the desired results.
Inhalation is breathing the oils through taking deep concentrated breaths of them (smelling them), diffusing them into the air, turning them into vapor or mists, turning them into room sprays, or burning them in oil burners or candles (although burners and candles carry far less therapeutic benefits).
Topical application includes applying them to the skin (and hair, as in the case of hair treatments, shampoos, or conditioners), massaging them into the skin, bathing in them, and wearing them as perfumes, body splash, or colognes. This may also include using them in cases of poultices (cataplasm’s), balms, packs, wraps, plasters, and etc….
Essential oils work to reprogram the cells, the d.n.a. and the r.n.a., as well as give oxygen, negative ions, and ozone to the body. They work on the electrical frequencies of the human body like flower essences. Essential oils have oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, glucocides, hormones, minerals, and amino acids. Part of their function or job is to carry nutrients to the body, and its cells. They can help keep us hydrated for longer periods of time. They perform the same duties for the human body as they do for the plants they come from. They can digest chemicals in the human body.
They can stimulate the secretagogue’s for producing human growth hormones, and anti- bodies for thyroid support. They can stimulate enzymatic activity for better digestive functions.
Essential oils work with the blood. When we bleed after a cut, it’s not just because our body was ripped open like a wine skin and the blood escaped. The bleeding performs a function, which is to help cleanse the area of any possible germs and infections, and deliver nutrients to that area of our body. This is so our body can start the process of tissue repair, just like a damages plant leaf will pour out the essential liquid (resin, juice, or oil) which is the blood of the blood. Blood is like essential oil, and transports what is the main ingredient of both which is oxygen. Essential oils produce the highest amount of oxygenating molecules of any substance known to man other that air and water. Bacteria can not live in ozone or a negative ion filled environment. Because of their chemical components and structure essential oils will detoxify the body, and push unwanted metals (including mercury) and chemicals out of the cells.
Oxygen pushes out toxins and brings potassium back into the cells, reestablishing normal cell function and balance. There has been to date no virus found that has or can build an immunity to essential oils. While most viruses can and do make themselves immune to western chemical non-organic “medicine”, through a simple mutation, and often a multiple microbial reproduction process. It would appear that God made ‘his medicines in nature right the first time. Statistics gathered by several university studies back in the late 1990’s, into the early 2000’s have shown that per year, respiratory, viral, and bacterial infections resulted in four million deaths. Diarrhea and related conditions, which are viral and bacterial in nature resulted in three million deaths, tuberculosis resulted in three million deaths, the hepatitis b virus three million deaths, (protozoa) malaria caused one million deaths, the viral measles caused eight hundred and eighty thousand deaths, tetanus caused six hundred thousand deaths, the aids virus five hundred and fifty thousand deaths, and the killer flu killed twenty million people in the past. These studies did not even cover the amount of deaths cause by cancer, heart disease, hunta virus, flesh eating viruses, strepticocci a, ebolo virus, small pox, or the cancer flu.
Antibiotics are a prime example of peoples stupidity and failings to try and out do what God did. Antibiotics do nothing to cure the root cause of a problem. Indeed all that antibiotics do is suppress symptoms deep into the human body system so that they do not manifest on the outside, Which in an absolute emergency situation may unfortunately be necessary. What this means is that instead of curing an imbalance the antibiotics suppress the warning lights that God designed to tell us that something is wrong! That is their sole function. They have absolutely no other function or ability. One must purge the infection out of the human body in order to be rid of it. Essential oils can kill germs, microbial’s, infections, viruses, bacteria’s, bad funguses, and a host of other things that humans are plagued by (including gangrene).
Cleansing, regeneration, and immunity can only be achieved through working from both the outside of the body to the inside, and the inside of the body to the outside simultaneously. Essential oils can help us to achieve this. One member of the essential oil chemical family groupings is especially important for the human body as medicine. That is the sesquiterpene’s, which have the unique and possibly extreme bennificial ability to go beyond the blood brain barrier. This has the potential of curing multiple scleroses, Parkinson’s disease, lou gehrig’s disease, and alzheimer’s disease. Oils that are high in this chemical compound have the ability when inhaled to increase oxygen production in the limbic system. Particularly around the pineal, and pituitary glands, and the amigdala. This also increases the secretion of certain anti-bodies, endorphins, and neurotransmitters. many diseases, and disorders of the human body have already been proven to be cured by essential oils including diabetes. Blood glucose levels are balanced by certain oils. Many cancers including breast cancer have been successfully treated, cured, prevented, and sent into regression (remission).
Essential oils have a natural harmonic coherent frequency that ranges between 52 and 300 hertz. man made things such as unnatural light (which usually carry a frequency of 60 hertz), or electronic appliances have incoherent chaotic frequencies which fracture the human electrical field. The fields can be healed and maintained between fractures. through the use of essential oils, and certain tools or practices such as Reiki, crystals, tuning forks, the q-link pendent, star chamber water (and tools), and etc…..
Spending time in nature is also essential to the health of our fields.
To keep our fields healthy we must have oxygen, anti-oxidants, and increased frequency.
Our bodies are electrical and everything around us has an electrical field and frequency. Essential oils and flower essences work on this electrical level and have electrical fields that are directly harmonious to our fields.
The cells of the human body must be kept healthy, hydrated, and oxygenated in order to be receptive to blood transports, vitamins, minerals, proteins, hormones, enzymes, amino acids, and nutrients. There is a direct coloration between the health of our cells and the health of our fields. Essential have the power to keep our cells healthy, and our immune system strong and properly functioning. When our immune system is weak or shut down, essential oils have the power to stimulate, rebuild, and turn on our immune systems.
The average persons body or field frequency ranges from 62 to 68 hertz, with their brain hertz frequency being 10 degrees higher in the day. At night this reverses and their body’s frequency raises in the night while the brain hertz frequency lowers. Coffee brings our field frequency down 5 points just by holding it, and it brings it down about 12 points when it is ingested (although it must be taken in small doses so as not to trigger an accelerated aging process). The field does not restabilize to the right frequency by itself for about three days. With essential oils however it can restabilize in about twenty one seconds. Disease begins at 58 hertz frequency. This shows how easy it is for our fragile but complex, and impressive systems to fall into disarray. The flu happens usually at 57 hertz, candida at around 55 hertz, Epstein barr at around 52 hertz, and cancer starting at around 42 hertz. This also shows theoretically how easy it is with the proper tools at our disposal to repair our human bodies and fields. This gives us greater understanding of the biblical teaching that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made”. “fearfully” in this instance actually refers to God planning the design of our bodies and beings, so well that it defies full human comprehension. A better word than fearfully in our modern tongue is “meticulously”. There are perhaps even better words than this in the English language, but meticulous seems the most appropriate in this capacity. When we do things to ourselves that compromise our human body frequency we can become a victim. Essential oils help reestablish the normal frequency and balance of the human cell.
European hospitals have treated a verity of illnesses through using essential oils as disinfection agents, cleaning agents, and diffusing them in the air through out the hospitals. Among these illnesses which have been successfully treated are respiratory infections, liver insufficiency, digestive insufficient, insomnia, phlebitis, and thrombosis.
Essential oils work with our neurons, causing the appropriate, intended cellular change.
Diffusion of essential oils actually purifies the air, increasing the oxygen, negative ions, and ozone which we breath in to survive. Essential oils fire synapses (and the axon) and can stimulate the regeneration of damaged nerve tissue. They increase the neurotransmitter that converts in the axon to electron. It fire across synaptic gaps. In birth defects, certain nerves didn’t connect. Essential oils will increase the firing of that synopsis, and it will jump across the gap and connect with the nerve that didn’t connect. Once it start firing it will grow closer until it grows together and hard wires, if this is the appropriate action in the body. The ancient egyptions had a three day cleansing ritual for the body practiced on people who were healthy, and those who were dying and about to enter the after life. They said this ritual cleansed the flesh and blood of evil deities. In our modern understanding what this means is that they were cleansing the body, mind, and spirit, of negative emotions and energies, and removing any memory trauma stored in the being, or cells of the body. Essential oils can clear emotional programming, and help reprogram us. Before an essential oil can be found in a plant, it must first have glucocides, which are the sugars or a plant. This may show a connection as to why glyconutrients help the human body (as in the case of ambertose by manatech). Glucides are conversions of plant proteins and contain hormones. It is worth noting that while protein and iron make blood, protein and magnesium make essential oils. Essential oils are God’s own food for the human body temple. Essential oils can cause enzymatic elimination of things like ammonia. Ammonia toxicity in the kidneys as you might know can cause cardiac arrest, and kidney failure. Essential oils send messages to the cell structure of d.n.a. and communicates genetic information. If we can eliminate the genetic coding which passes disease and such things, from one generation to the next, we can stop all genetic illnesses for future generations. Essential oils can aid us in this undertaking. Essential oils mimic many functions found in the nuclei of the cells, or cell d.n.a. and r.n.a.
r.n.a. is where emotional trauma is encoded. D.n.a. has a helix structure which rotates in a clockwise spiral. Essential oils have or take on a helix pattern in the body which allows them to fit perfectly into the helix pattern of the d.n.a. essential oils are like keys going into keyholes when this happens. Essential oils can take on this helix pattern bond with our d.n.a. helix and reverse the spiral of the d.n.a. helix cell structure. Then when this happens it erases or can erase negative and what was formerly thought permanent genetic encoded information. It will spin counter clockwise. Then when the d.n.a. is cleared of negative information, the helix will reverse itself back to a clockwise spin and normalize itself, making ready to receive new positive information. This is called cellular reprogramming. Doctor Gary Young founder of young living essential oils said that “if we live in the frequency of ecstasy then we will never experience disease”. This statement mirrors a quote from the late great Joseph Campbell who said “follow your bliss”. This means that if we live out our passions, and what we believe to be our dreams, purposes, and meanings; if we live in our truths as our authentic selves our joy which will experience as a result will keep our fields at a healthy frequency through out our lives. This is perhaps the reason why God gave the commandment not to lie. And why Christ gave the commandments that you should not swear or promise, but simply let your yes be yes and your no be no, to treat others how you would like to be treated, you reap what you so, judge not lest ye be judged, and love your God with all that you are! He also said that the truth would set us free, and we are only now beginning to understand what he was telling us on multiple levels!
When oxygen levels are compromised in the body potassium levels shrink, sodium levels rise, and our cell helixes experience a bad polarity shifting of frequencies making us more acidic. As we become more acidic and less alkaline we open ourselves up to disease. Acid breaks down the body. The more acidic we are the more we begin to die, and take on cancers, illnesses, and disease. Bad cells, meaning overly acidic cells will split and reproduce twice each time, and both of those cells will be predisposed to becoming cancerous, and indeed will have the codes for cancer written into them. Then these traumatized cells will repeat the reproduction process, and so on and so forth. Besides toxins, stress can also cause this to happen. The body can be completely taken over, that is to say that every cell in the body can be programmed with cancer in only a hundred and twenty days. The good news is that we can reverse this process. Even our thoughts can help us with this process. It has been scientifically proven that every time we have a negative thought we kill off cells in our body before they have time to replenish themselves, and when our negative thought s become words we kill three times as many cells. However the opposite is also true. Every time we have a positive thought it is a hundred times more powerful than a negative one, and we replenish cells in our body faster, and when we turn these thoughts into positive words then it is one thousand times stronger. That is why a patients attitude in overcoming an illness is so very important. Another important aspect of being healthy is having a clean colon. Clogged, or impacted colons are responsible for much of the disease and obesity in the world. On the energetic level this means that when we do not keep our lives, homes, and body clean of unwanted clutter, and free from stress be it mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual then we open ourselves up to sickness. We must keep ourselves “clean”, and free from the toxins of this world. Maybe this is part of the teaching from the bible that says “be in the world but not of the world”!
The basics of how essential oils work:
(Loush’s young living notes, and aromatherapy research)
Essential oils are plant substances, literally the extracted life blood of the plant (though not all plants will produce oil in large enough amounts to be used by humans and some plants, even some that are safe to eat produce toxic oils that should be avoided). These aromatic substances are made up of vital chemical compounds. There are several methods of application of utilizing the oils as medicines for the body! The three strongest being inhalation (breathing in their aroma), topical application (putting them on the skin, also called the act of anointing), and ingestion (taking them internally as a nutritional dietary supplement). Inhalation is the quickest way to use the oils. Essential oils have chemical compounds which enter directly into the brain when breathed and cause physiological change to happen by altering the current condition of the chemicals within the brain. Topical application is the second fastest way, and possibly the best way to use the oils. By applying the oils or oil blends on the skin they soak directly into the blood stream through the skin tissue much like water, they enter the blood stream and are distributed to the major organs of the body, pumped through the heart and into the brain. Another way to use the oils is by ingesting them. This can only be done with some essential oils and is not really the preferred method of utilizing them, because it does carry risks with some of the oils, and it generally takes three times longer to get the desired results.
Inhalation is breathing the oils through taking deep concentrated breaths of them (smelling them), diffusing them into the air, turning them into vapor or mists, turning them into room sprays, or burning them in oil burners or candles (although burners and candles carry far less therapeutic benefits).
Topical application includes applying them to the skin (and hair, as in the case of hair treatments, shampoos, or conditioners), massaging them into the skin, bathing in them, and wearing them as perfumes, body splash, or colognes. This may also include using them in cases of poultices (cataplasm’s), balms, packs, wraps, plasters, and etc….
Essential oils work to reprogram the cells, the d.n.a. and the r.n.a., as well as give oxygen, negative ions, and ozone to the body. They work on the electrical frequencies of the human body like flower essences. Essential oils have oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, glucocides, hormones, minerals, and amino acids. Part of their function or job is to carry nutrients to the body, and its cells. They can help keep us hydrated for longer periods of time. They perform the same duties for the human body as they do for the plants they come from. They can digest chemicals in the human body.
They can stimulate the secretagogue’s for producing human growth hormones, and anti- bodies for thyroid support. They can stimulate enzymatic activity for better digestive functions.
Essential oils work with the blood. When we bleed after a cut, it’s not just because our body was ripped open like a wine skin and the blood escaped. The bleeding performs a function, which is to help cleanse the area of any possible germs and infections, and deliver nutrients to that area of our body. This is so our body can start the process of tissue repair, just like a damages plant leaf will pour out the essential liquid (resin, juice, or oil) which is the blood of the blood. Blood is like essential oil, and transports what is the main ingredient of both which is oxygen. Essential oils produce the highest amount of oxygenating molecules of any substance known to man other that air and water. Bacteria can not live in ozone or a negative ion filled environment. Because of their chemical components and structure essential oils will detoxify the body, and push unwanted metals (including mercury) and chemicals out of the cells.
Oxygen pushes out toxins and brings potassium back into the cells, reestablishing normal cell function and balance. There has been to date no virus found that has or can build an immunity to essential oils. While most viruses can and do make themselves immune to western chemical non-organic “medicine”, through a simple mutation, and often a multiple microbial reproduction process. It would appear that God made ‘his medicines in nature right the first time. Statistics gathered by several university studies back in the late 1990’s, into the early 2000’s have shown that per year, respiratory, viral, and bacterial infections resulted in four million deaths. Diarrhea and related conditions, which are viral and bacterial in nature resulted in three million deaths, tuberculosis resulted in three million deaths, the hepatitis b virus three million deaths, (protozoa) malaria caused one million deaths, the viral measles caused eight hundred and eighty thousand deaths, tetanus caused six hundred thousand deaths, the aids virus five hundred and fifty thousand deaths, and the killer flu killed twenty million people in the past. These studies did not even cover the amount of deaths cause by cancer, heart disease, hunta virus, flesh eating viruses, strepticocci a, ebolo virus, small pox, or the cancer flu.
Antibiotics are a prime example of peoples stupidity and failings to try and out do what God did. Antibiotics do nothing to cure the root cause of a problem. Indeed all that antibiotics do is suppress symptoms deep into the human body system so that they do not manifest on the outside, Which in an absolute emergency situation may unfortunately be necessary. What this means is that instead of curing an imbalance the antibiotics suppress the warning lights that God designed to tell us that something is wrong! That is their sole function. They have absolutely no other function or ability. One must purge the infection out of the human body in order to be rid of it. Essential oils can kill germs, microbial’s, infections, viruses, bacteria’s, bad funguses, and a host of other things that humans are plagued by (including gangrene).
Cleansing, regeneration, and immunity can only be achieved through working from both the outside of the body to the inside, and the inside of the body to the outside simultaneously. Essential oils can help us to achieve this. One member of the essential oil chemical family groupings is especially important for the human body as medicine. That is the sesquiterpene’s, which have the unique and possibly extreme bennificial ability to go beyond the blood brain barrier. This has the potential of curing multiple scleroses, Parkinson’s disease, lou gehrig’s disease, and alzheimer’s disease. Oils that are high in this chemical compound have the ability when inhaled to increase oxygen production in the limbic system. Particularly around the pineal, and pituitary glands, and the amigdala. This also increases the secretion of certain anti-bodies, endorphins, and neurotransmitters. many diseases, and disorders of the human body have already been proven to be cured by essential oils including diabetes. Blood glucose levels are balanced by certain oils. Many cancers including breast cancer have been successfully treated, cured, prevented, and sent into regression (remission).
Essential oils have a natural harmonic coherent frequency that ranges between 52 and 300 hertz. man made things such as unnatural light (which usually carry a frequency of 60 hertz), or electronic appliances have incoherent chaotic frequencies which fracture the human electrical field. The fields can be healed and maintained between fractures. through the use of essential oils, and certain tools or practices such as Reiki, crystals, tuning forks, the q-link pendent, star chamber water (and tools), and etc…..
Spending time in nature is also essential to the health of our fields.
To keep our fields healthy we must have oxygen, anti-oxidants, and increased frequency.
Our bodies are electrical and everything around us has an electrical field and frequency. Essential oils and flower essences work on this electrical level and have electrical fields that are directly harmonious to our fields.
The cells of the human body must be kept healthy, hydrated, and oxygenated in order to be receptive to blood transports, vitamins, minerals, proteins, hormones, enzymes, amino acids, and nutrients. There is a direct coloration between the health of our cells and the health of our fields. Essential have the power to keep our cells healthy, and our immune system strong and properly functioning. When our immune system is weak or shut down, essential oils have the power to stimulate, rebuild, and turn on our immune systems.
The average persons body or field frequency ranges from 62 to 68 hertz, with their brain hertz frequency being 10 degrees higher in the day. At night this reverses and their body’s frequency raises in the night while the brain hertz frequency lowers. Coffee brings our field frequency down 5 points just by holding it, and it brings it down about 12 points when it is ingested (although it must be taken in small doses so as not to trigger an accelerated aging process). The field does not restabilize to the right frequency by itself for about three days. With essential oils however it can restabilize in about twenty one seconds. Disease begins at 58 hertz frequency. This shows how easy it is for our fragile but complex, and impressive systems to fall into disarray. The flu happens usually at 57 hertz, candida at around 55 hertz, Epstein barr at around 52 hertz, and cancer starting at around 42 hertz. This also shows theoretically how easy it is with the proper tools at our disposal to repair our human bodies and fields. This gives us greater understanding of the biblical teaching that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made”. “fearfully” in this instance actually refers to God planning the design of our bodies and beings, so well that it defies full human comprehension. A better word than fearfully in our modern tongue is “meticulously”. There are perhaps even better words than this in the English language, but meticulous seems the most appropriate in this capacity. When we do things to ourselves that compromise our human body frequency we can become a victim. Essential oils help reestablish the normal frequency and balance of the human cell.
European hospitals have treated a verity of illnesses through using essential oils as disinfection agents, cleaning agents, and diffusing them in the air through out the hospitals. Among these illnesses which have been successfully treated are respiratory infections, liver insufficiency, digestive insufficient, insomnia, phlebitis, and thrombosis.
Essential oils work with our neurons, causing the appropriate, intended cellular change.
Diffusion of essential oils actually purifies the air, increasing the oxygen, negative ions, and ozone which we breath in to survive. Essential oils fire synapses (and the axon) and can stimulate the regeneration of damaged nerve tissue. They increase the neurotransmitter that converts in the axon to electron. It fire across synaptic gaps. In birth defects, certain nerves didn’t connect. Essential oils will increase the firing of that synopsis, and it will jump across the gap and connect with the nerve that didn’t connect. Once it start firing it will grow closer until it grows together and hard wires, if this is the appropriate action in the body. The ancient egyptions had a three day cleansing ritual for the body practiced on people who were healthy, and those who were dying and about to enter the after life. They said this ritual cleansed the flesh and blood of evil deities. In our modern understanding what this means is that they were cleansing the body, mind, and spirit, of negative emotions and energies, and removing any memory trauma stored in the being, or cells of the body. Essential oils can clear emotional programming, and help reprogram us. Before an essential oil can be found in a plant, it must first have glucocides, which are the sugars or a plant. This may show a connection as to why glyconutrients help the human body (as in the case of ambertose by manatech). Glucides are conversions of plant proteins and contain hormones. It is worth noting that while protein and iron make blood, protein and magnesium make essential oils. Essential oils are God’s own food for the human body temple. Essential oils can cause enzymatic elimination of things like ammonia. Ammonia toxicity in the kidneys as you might know can cause cardiac arrest, and kidney failure. Essential oils send messages to the cell structure of d.n.a. and communicates genetic information. If we can eliminate the genetic coding which passes disease and such things, from one generation to the next, we can stop all genetic illnesses for future generations. Essential oils can aid us in this undertaking. Essential oils mimic many functions found in the nuclei of the cells, or cell d.n.a. and r.n.a.
r.n.a. is where emotional trauma is encoded. D.n.a. has a helix structure which rotates in a clockwise spiral. Essential oils have or take on a helix pattern in the body which allows them to fit perfectly into the helix pattern of the d.n.a. essential oils are like keys going into keyholes when this happens. Essential oils can take on this helix pattern bond with our d.n.a. helix and reverse the spiral of the d.n.a. helix cell structure. Then when this happens it erases or can erase negative and what was formerly thought permanent genetic encoded information. It will spin counter clockwise. Then when the d.n.a. is cleared of negative information, the helix will reverse itself back to a clockwise spin and normalize itself, making ready to receive new positive information. This is called cellular reprogramming. Doctor Gary Young founder of young living essential oils said that “if we live in the frequency of ecstasy then we will never experience disease”. This statement mirrors a quote from the late great Joseph Campbell who said “follow your bliss”. This means that if we live out our passions, and what we believe to be our dreams, purposes, and meanings; if we live in our truths as our authentic selves our joy which will experience as a result will keep our fields at a healthy frequency through out our lives. This is perhaps the reason why God gave the commandment not to lie. And why Christ gave the commandments that you should not swear or promise, but simply let your yes be yes and your no be no, to treat others how you would like to be treated, you reap what you so, judge not lest ye be judged, and love your God with all that you are! He also said that the truth would set us free, and we are only now beginning to understand what he was telling us on multiple levels!
When oxygen levels are compromised in the body potassium levels shrink, sodium levels rise, and our cell helixes experience a bad polarity shifting of frequencies making us more acidic. As we become more acidic and less alkaline we open ourselves up to disease. Acid breaks down the body. The more acidic we are the more we begin to die, and take on cancers, illnesses, and disease. Bad cells, meaning overly acidic cells will split and reproduce twice each time, and both of those cells will be predisposed to becoming cancerous, and indeed will have the codes for cancer written into them. Then these traumatized cells will repeat the reproduction process, and so on and so forth. Besides toxins, stress can also cause this to happen. The body can be completely taken over, that is to say that every cell in the body can be programmed with cancer in only a hundred and twenty days. The good news is that we can reverse this process. Even our thoughts can help us with this process. It has been scientifically proven that every time we have a negative thought we kill off cells in our body before they have time to replenish themselves, and when our negative thought s become words we kill three times as many cells. However the opposite is also true. Every time we have a positive thought it is a hundred times more powerful than a negative one, and we replenish cells in our body faster, and when we turn these thoughts into positive words then it is one thousand times stronger. That is why a patients attitude in overcoming an illness is so very important. Another important aspect of being healthy is having a clean colon. Clogged, or impacted colons are responsible for much of the disease and obesity in the world. On the energetic level this means that when we do not keep our lives, homes, and body clean of unwanted clutter, and free from stress be it mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual then we open ourselves up to sickness. We must keep ourselves “clean”, and free from the toxins of this world. Maybe this is part of the teaching from the bible that says “be in the world but not of the world”!
The powerful, and classic Lavender Essential Oil!
The power of lavender oil is staggering! It can be used to heal burns, and insomnia. it has chemical properties which make it anti-septic, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-biotic, and anti-inflammatory. It is safe to use on any part of the body (avoid the eyes of course). It has been used for healing and beautification. It can be used to treat dry skin because it hydrates and locks in hydration. In fact next to air and water, lavender essential oil is the most oxygenating substance on the planet that we currently know of! It can actually aid in cancer treatments to help reprogram the d.n.a. of the human body to eliminate various cancers and toxins from the body. In other words; It can give signal to the body to boost the immune system so that it can fight off many different germs, illnesses, toxins, microbials, and other interruptions to our balanced health! Now the thing to remember about all essential oils is that to work they must be pure! Only a hand full of companies exist in america that provide such, safe, pure, therapeutic grade, one hundred percent essential organic oils!Among these companies are young living, aura cacia, and flower road therapies! However the purest and most powerful of these in all my many years experience as an aromatherapist is young living essential oils. I have had the most positive, powerful experiences and real results using these oils. This, and talking to a couple of botanists led me to become an independent distributor for Young Living! When you buy an essential oil check the label, and know what you are buying! Besides dry skin,lavender has helped to heal chapped lips, and can be used on every skin type for a multitude of skin issues. Lavender brings calmness. However the one thing it can not be used for is to get energy. Lavender is a sedative, so remember not to use it during certain activities like driving, test taking, at work, or during sex! It can help high blood pressure! When i suffered from high blood pressure i went through four years of no one believing me because i was "too young" to have it. Then one day my nose began to bleed and did not stop for four hours. I was taken to the hospital where it was determined that i was at heart attack blood pressure levels. There they finally looked at my family's pension towards having high blood pressure and diabetes, as well as my weight issues. They immediately put me on some so called medication which for the full two and a half years of me taking it kept me a zombie. Finally i had enough! I got off their poison, which only suppressed symptoms and i began to help myself instead. Through prayer, meditation, visualization, mantras, essential oils, certain herbal combinations, and a change in diet i changed my life, my health, and my course in life! Now i want to help others do the same thing! take back their own power over their lives and health! Lavender can help erase the smell of cigarette smoke. Lavender is the most useful and universal of all the essential oils, consequently it is the most used. To many healers and their clients it has become a cliche'. Well cliche' or not it is a powerful healing substance that works! If you can have only one essential in your possession make sure it is versatile lavender!
bright blessings!
Young Living Essential Oils; my Young Living experience...


As an aroma-therapist I can honestly say that essential oils have helped change my entire life. They along with Reiki are my primary health care. Especially the young living oils which I am now an independent distributor for. Essential oils are the most powerful natural medicines that God has given us; that he has gifted to us! Change your life, and your health by rediscovering for yourself what Sacred Anointing really means in its fullness! Young living essential oils are simply put the purest and most potent oils on the market today. Learn about these exciting products; that are truly health in a bottle! They will help bring healing to all the levels of the entire five fold nature of the human soul being (body (and subtle metaphysical etheric bodies), mind, heart, spirit, and imagination)! Essential oils will help transform your life and health and uplift you to a new paradigm!
“The most High hath created medicines out of the earth, and a wise man shall not despise them.” Taken from the Book of Ecclesiasticus (38:4)

Crown and above points: myrrh
Also rose, lotus absolute, mint, dragons blood, neroli, onycha, anointing oil, myrtle, balsam peru , and benzoin
Third eye: peppermint
Also jasmine, valerian tincture, vanilla (extract or oil), lemon grass, bay laurel, grapefruit, ravensara, and sage
Voice chakra: frankincense
Also benzoin, eucalyptus, niaouli, basil, blue chamomile, cypress, juniper, and thyme
Heart chakra (the golden lotus): spikenard
Also rose of Sharon , yarrow, eucalyptus, clary sage, hyssop, Melissa, tea tree, pine, cajuput, lime, fennel, marjoram, and petitgrain
Solar plexus: rosemary
Also bergamot, lavender, geranium, lemon, roman chamomile, coriander, and oak moss
Sacral chakra (hara and kundalini as well): cinnamon
Also cassia, sandal wood, patchouli, ylang ylang, cardamom, neroli, orange, nutmeg, palma rosa, mandarin, and tangerine
Root chakra (and below points): clove
Also vetiver, cedar wood, ginger, nutmeg, black pepper, rose wood, and verbena
Base oils chakra chart:
Crown and above points: grape-seed, olive, evening primrose, jojoba golden
Third eye: jojoba refined, castor, rosehip seed
Voice chakra: sweet almond, aloe vera, safflower, calendula
Heart chakra: hemp, avocado, apricot, caulophyllum (squaw root), st. johns wort
Solar plexus: jojoba golden, soya bean, vit. E, sesame, sun flower
Sacral chakra (hara and kundalini as well): carrot, macadamia nut, peach kernel,
Root chakra (and below points): hazel nut, canola, borage, vegetable
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