The Spirit-Hand

The Spirit-Hand

Our School Philosophy;




Disclaimer; we do not own nor claim to have done most of the artworks that appear on this site, they were obtained through random internet searches and we take no credit for them unless otherwise stated; this same principle applies to all videos as well. The Teachings and Writings that appear on this Blog do belong to us unless otherwise stated. Also this blog site contains some adult oriented material that is not suitable for most children and probably not suitable for work.

Spirit-Hand; Postings on Healing, Ritual, Shamanism, and Celtia

Link to Welcome Message;
The Opening Welcome Post

The Spirit-Hand Logo



Spirit-Hand as a practice, and a healing art:

Spirit-hand is the healing tradition founded by Rev. Lucien E. L. O'Corvi (former business alias Loush MacKay O'Raven) in the late nineties. It is an eclectic mix of many healing modalities, ancient philosophies, and practices. One of the core practices in Spirit-Hand is Reiki Do, which is the traditional reiki as taught by Usui Sensei (Or as close as we can get to it now), and which was grafted onto by Master Hayashi, and Mistress Takata. Spirit-Hand also includes techniques from the kemetic (ancient Egyption) practice of Sekhem (pronounced sei-chem, or say-kim, with very little connection to the sei-chem as taught by Patrick zeigler), angelic therapy, as well as infusing the Judeo-christian concepts and traditions of healing, with various methods derived from celtic and native american shamanism (including fairie healing, ancestral guidance, totemic power aids, ritual herbalism, and crystal healing). It also draws on age old wisdom from the hindu and oriental teachings of the body temple(focusing on chakra healing, auric field therapy, and meridian work). It is a system of healing that is always evolving with the Holy Spirit of Christ as its center.

In these classes we explore the truth of healing, and the reconnection process. You will learn the full system of the reiki healing tradition in these classes. We will exchange invaluable information to expand our awareness. We feel we learn as much from our students as they do from us. We will help you further develop your own spiritual evolution which is after all why we are all here on this earth school. As we have a Christ based philosophy we advocate compassion, tolerance, and respect for all walks of life, even those we might disagree with. It is open for anyone to take and all are welcome, though we do not say that everyone will feel comfortable. It is taught in the apprenticeship tradition from master (teacher, one that has been mastered by spirit) to student. We create a safe environment, and provide easy ways to intake the information. Group activities, workshops, discussion, and study groups are always being planned, as well as future classes not yet being offered. We feel that one should always have a networking base, and a support system based on our peers and other kindred spirits, and this is what we hope to create at the Avalon Grail Mystery School.


For the information of the general public; the following is a list of religions and ideologies likely to be highly offended by the Avalon Grail Mystery School, and the Spirit-Hand tradition. If you belong to any of these you may want to contact Rev. Lucien (Often called Loush) and ask questions before enrolling in our programs:


Devil worship







Jehova’s witness



Christian fundamentalists extremists (those people in the roman or protestant church who hate other religions and alternative ways of life that differ from their own).

Pagan fundamentalists extremists (those people who are pagan who hate christians and all those with a view point different from theirs).


Spirit-Hand as a philosophy, a spiritual discipline, and a way of life:

Spirit-Hand is un-apologetically Christian in its belief structure, and is devoted to honoring the teaching of the Holy Trinity which is the very heart of its ideology. Spirit-Hand seeks to bring true original Christianity back into public consciousness and awareness, and to heal the damage caused to humanity as a whole from the false, re-written so called “christianity” started by the council of Nicaea, upheld by the roman church, and spread like waste by the modern evangelical churches of America. Rev. Lucien feels that Christ God is offended by what the modern church has done and is doing in his name, which is why places like the universal life church and the unity church are so important. Spirit-Hand seeks to bring healing, comfort, and restoration to the souls that have been ravaged by the anti-Christ spirit that blatantly runs rampant in the modern church. Spirit-Hand also seeks to unify all christians together as it was in the beginning of the faith, and to bring them into harmony and peaceful co-existence with the many cultures, religions, and spiritual paths of the world.

We are taking the word Christian back!

It is our intent to use the terms Christian or Followers of Christ, or as the first Christians called themselves “Followers of The Way”; as they were originally intended by the Christ, and the early followers of Christ. 

 Spirit-hand aids people in exploring, and finding their true spiritual path whatever that may be. It aids people in exploring the mysteries of the universe. This is essential to understanding our life’s purpose and meaning. We help people explore for themselves the mystery of God, the sacred circle of life, everyday spirituality, the world vision and their place in it. Spirit-Hand exists to help facilitate the process of tolerant and peaceful co-existence between all people of all races, religions, faiths, creeds, and lifestyles so long as said religions, creeds, and lifestyles do not seek to harm anyone else. Spirit-Hand always seeks the highest good of all, and to align an individual with the Divine Will, and his or her own destiny. Spirit-Hand focuses on the mystery of healing and on a variety of healing modalities found throughout the world both new and old. It is focused on healing the five fold nature of a human being; body, mind, heart, spirit, and imagination. This system of healing helps people to learn just how their body and in fact their entire being is truly and literally a temple for the divine. Another focus of Spirit-Hand is the attempt to heal on many levels the eco-system of mother earth which humans have so badly damaged. We seek to practice ways to restore earths ravaged majesty. We give out information to all students to educate them on what they can do in their own personal lives to help heal the environment. We do this by sharing information on recycling, stores, products, magazines, internet sites, statistics, and behaviors that are eco-friendly. We feel it is only through reconnecting humanity to both God, and Nature as in ancient times will there be a shifting in global consciousness that will help bring about a new global spiritual society. Spirit-Hand embraces many ancient tribal wisdoms, and customs.

We feel that western medicine is the youngest, most un-educated system of medicine in the world. It is not time-tested or proven compared to the ancient systems of medicine as found in china and the ayurvedic medicine system of India which have success rates dating back thousands of years. Therefore, western medicine in its arrogance has caused great harm and damage to the health of the people on this planet. We do think that there are many great things within western medicine such as the diagnostic arts, and the plethora of surgeries available in its system. So what we seek is a balance between the old and the new as found within complementary medicine. We are in favor of people having all systems of medicine at their disposal so they can make informed educated choices and decisions about their own health care. We absolutely feel it is wrong for the government, the f.d.a., and any and all boards of medicine to try and control the free will of people where their health is concerned. We also feel it is wrong for western medical boards, big business, and pharmaceutical companies to stop the flow and dissemination of any or all information regarding natural and synthetic medicine. Medicine should be about nutrition, and health on all levels of ones being. Medicine should always be holistic. Practitioners of alternative medicine are the new shamans of earth. The word shaman has taken on new meanings in our modern age, and while we respect the old ways, we welcome the evolution of those ways into new ways, and new traditions. The roles of shamans, or medicine people in the modern world has also gone through a transition. While shamans still do most of the things they did before, we begin now to see that humans have evolved to the point to where we no longer have to tell someone what to think, do, and how to live. we can simply be guides and compasses helping and trusting people to discover their own inner guidance, and to do, think, and live they way which they see as right for them. We are here to help people see their small part in relation to the whole; their thread in the design of the great tapestry. Though much of the knowledge of ancient shamanism has been lost to us we are beginning to reclaim, and rediscover the missing pieces. In the end, we are all seeking that essential connection, that feeling and experience of oneness with the entire universe and the divine. Self-exploration, self-examination, self awareness, and self-understanding are the beginning keys to live life to the fullest, the way God intended. One day we believe that we will live in universal harmony.

Blessed Be!

Getting to Know us your Teachers;


Facts and benefits of energy healing:

promote healing within yourself and others!

“Reiki is enlightenment and compassion in action”

Rev. Lucien O'Corvi 2009

Reiki boosts the immune system. The immune system is the body’s own natural defense and self healing system. stress can damage and when bad enough kill our immune system. Reiki and other forms of healing touch therapy can strengthen, heal, and enhance one’s immune system. By removing toxic and disruptive energy patterns from your own natural healthy energy patterns, deep healing can occur even at the cellular level.

Reiki promotes balance, wholeness, wellness, accelerated healing, and consciousness.

Assists in balancing your spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical energies.

Releases stress and tension.

Reiki seeks out the root causes of diseases, and helps reduce and alleviate symptoms and pain. The main purpose of “healing” is to help one become whole.

Healing is defined and described as: Fixing the problem. Balancing the imbalance. Making something broken, damaged, fractured, incomplete or partial, whole again. To restore, renew, regenerate, revitalize, reanimate, rejuvenate, refresh, and resurrect. To fill emptiness, voids, or holes. To repair. To make sound or whole. to restore to health. to cause an undesirable condition to be overcome. To MEND. To end trouble. To mend undesired situations, issues, concerns, worries, problems, and conditions. To patch up (a breach or division). To restore to original purity or integrity. To be healed of sin. to return to a sound state. To negate wrong. To end fear, violence, or evil. To bring together that which has been wrongly separated. To make authentic. To nourish. To nurture. To comfort. To act compassionately (a compassionate action). To reframe an experience and change one’s perception of that experience to something positive. To be made whole. To be remade, reborn, refurbished, reenergized, etc…

Reiki is a power or force emanating from the Holy Spirit. This force helps us to become whole and spiritually evolve.

“Becoming whole expresses the true nature of healing”. Author unknown

Reiki helps boost one’s energy levels or relax ones energy levels as needed.

Learning to recognize, accept, and utilize this energy is what the training classes are all about. Training opens you up further and attunes you in a deep, vast, profound way to the energy. Reiki is an awesome tool for accelerating not only the healing process but our personal, evolution as well. Our personal earth school enhancement learning process, our life’s journey quest, our spiritual enlightenment can and will be enriched with and through Reiki.

Reiki can improve the connection between the different aspects of the five fold nature of the human soul being; the metaphysical body unit including the auric field (subtle metaphysical etheric energetic bodies) the chakras, the meridians, as well as the physical body. The proverbial heart, the mind, the spirit, and the imagination.

Reiki can be an important vehicle for accessing, experiencing, and expressing “Spirit”.

Reiki is not a religion but a spiritual art, practice, discipline, therapy, technique, and tradition that cuts across all religious and cultural barriers.

Reiki is about experiencing God-power, the true and highest power which is the divine will of the light of love. This process is all about transformation.

Reiki works well when blended with other healing modalities.

Reiki cleanses, clears, and purifies the body and in fact the entire soul being of toxins.

It enhances medical treatments. Enhances and accelerates the immune system, aids us in repairing cell, and D.N.A. damage. It also repairs higher soul damage and soul loss, even that which is located in the higher self.

Reiki can minimize negative energies and feelings until they dissipate. Feelings like helplessness, powerlessness which one may experience in times of crises of trauma, or in cases where one is battling attacks like cancer or disease, or even mental, emotional, or spiritual attacks. Reiki repairs and revitalizes the recipient and the therapist. Reiki therapists are vessels, Channels, and priests of this energy. they know how to invoke and wield the energy. Reiki works on the client by repairing any and all damage on any and all levels that the client allows themselves to be affected and healed on. It reduces stress and all the effects of stress. It can help awaken one to a new perception of life; one’s true calling, vocation, mission, meaning, purpose, and destiny. It can help you ask yourself, and receive and answer to those age old questions “why am I here, what is my higher purpose, where is this all leading, where do I come from, who am I really, and where am I going”? Reiki can help one take that one giant step, that one quantum leap forward in ones evolutionary soul journey to a deep abiding eternal loving relationship with God. Reiki is true progress.

It can help us reframe our life experiences to see things from a larger picture, a higher truth and awareness, a higher perspective, to see things through heavens eyes the way God sees them. This is Christ consciousness. It facilitates learning, growing, wisdom, knowledge, righteousness, right action, thankfulness, freedom, balance, harmony, optimal health, peace, calmness, serenity, serendipity, kismet, synchronicity, hope, joy, Ecstaisis, grounding, and centering.

Reiki can anesthetize pain, and discomfort. It Releases negative energy patterns we carry some of which might be from past lives, or past traumas. It can help reveal and reconnect us with our highest self expression, our true, honest, creative, vital, authentic self, our core identity!

It can align one’s energies to better focus and function. The brain (consciousness, mind, connection to the collective unconscious, cranial sacral system, nervous system, spinal cord, etc…), the unified auric field system (including the meridians and the chakra system), and the heart (proverbial heart, the pulmonary, and the respiratory systems) all play apart in this.

Touch itself is healing, and Reiki will meet, and heal any touch deficit one may occur. Touch deficit is a disease whereby one dies from lack of human touch and contact. We human beings were made interconnected, and interdependent on each other. Reiki can help train our action, reaction response system, and discipline you to help better control your behavior, thoughts, words, and actions.

Re-pattern and reprogram your holographic self ( unified subtle body system), through Reiki, and also through auric field therapy, the chakra system of India, and the five element meridian system of China.

Reiki can alleviate feelings and states of: guilt, fear, fear of failure or success, emptiness, loneliness, needing approval, wanting things that you don’t need that will not serve your greater good, procrastination, aloofness, needing to over power others and drain them of their energy, relationship issues and disharmony, intolerance, worthlessness, disaccord, valueless-ness, stagnation “being stuck”, apathy, constant rage fear anger and paranoia, depression, indifference, indecision, recklessness, lack of discretion and discernment, impaired judgment, dangerous impulsiveness, negative career issues, rigidity, frigidity, perfectionism,

un-inspiredness, un-creativeness, infertility, disempowerment, blandness and

“bla-ness”, arrogance, negative patterning, bad behavior, insecurity, abandonment, anxiety, etc…..

Reiki can foster, manifest, birth, and create feelings and states of: well-being, resonance, joy, hope, faith, love, charity, generosity, gratitude, virtue, mercy, friendship, good health, inspiration, creativity, fertility, fullness, empowerment, enthusiasm, harmony, peace, serenity, synchronicity, energy, calmness and relaxation, clarity, focus, better memory, mental enhancement, activation of desired traits characteristics and genes, expanded awareness and e.s.p. abilities and spiritual gifts, performance enhancement, self realization and actualization, fulfillment, balance, wisdom, confidence, pride, worthiness, value, truth, authenticity, knowing who and what you really are and knowing your limits ; what you are and are not capable of. A deeper relationship to and with the divine, light, Ecstaisis, newness, growth, synergy, coherency, integrity, honesty, prosperity, abundance, potential, and etc…

Release past traumas, all negative energies, old negative out dated ways of thinking that are no longer serving your highest good and best interest, and negative thought patterns!

Manage your behavior (your outward actions), and your internal state (your inner reality). Create positive patterns, reduce all types of pain, and promote healing within yourself, your environment, and the lives of all those around you. Improve your quality of life!

Reiki can help you live into your true and full potential by bringing healing to the four cornerstones (also called the four pillars or the spheres of well-being) of your life:

Relationships; your emotional well-being, health; your physical well-being, vocation/calling/career; your mental well-being, spirituality; your spiritual well-being; welfare; the well-being of your entire five fold soul being “the well-being of your soul being”!

Direct your language to change your life, to help manifest what you want in life! The bible says “take every thought captive”; meaning to discipline, focus, control, enhance, advance, and better your thought patterns, your choice of perceptions, your entire way of living, being, and thinking!

“watch your thoughts they become your words, watch your words they become your actions, watch your actions they become your habits, watch your habits they become your character, and watch your character for it becomes your destiny”! author unknown



The word shaman comes from the tungus language. It means “walker between the worlds” traditionally. It has also come to mean “one who knows”, and “wounded healer”. The female equivalent to shaman is shamanka or shamaness. Other words that are comparable to shaman are medicine man (or woman/ medicine people), druid/ drui (bandrui / bendrui), and curandero (curandera/ la sabia). The celtic shaman or seaman has a few names including taibhsear (pronounced tah’shar) which is a Scottish word for “vision seer”. And secondly and perhaps the most appropriate word for a celtic shaman is a welsh word; awenydd (pronounced awen-ith) meaning “inspired one” (the plural form is awenyddion). Fili: (pronounced several ways including fee-l’eah, philly, fee-lee, fih luh, etc…) This was a druidic or celtic poet seer, A shamanic oracle, one who enters into imbas forosnai, one who enters the realms of the otherworld to gain knowledge and comes back with knowledge, a type of poet bard, a type of druidic or celtic shaman that used words to wield power – energy- authority- or even healing, related to the seanachai (pronounced shawn ah key of shawn uh k-eye) who were the story tellers of the celts but the fili had a more spiritual or religious nature to their work, seanachai were also called cyfarwydd (k-eye far with). draoi - means druid, but could also mean wizard, or magician.

 This word as we use it refers to any person who practices any form of medicine and do so from a spiritual or religious perspective. The idea of the wounded healer is that the greatest healers are people who were wounded deeply in some way and so can understand the human condition better. But this does not have to be the case. A healer is one who walks in the way of compassion. This is called good medicine power, walking in beauty, and walking the good red road in Native American traditions. The ancient shamans were medicine people who could walk and work within the spiritual realms just as they did in the physical world around us.

Many people today say “no spirits, no shaman” meaning that a shaman must call upon disembodied spirits to do their biding. This is simply not true. We who are medicine people learn to work with the Bre’hon (the spiritual aids that God sends us, be they angels, saints, fairies, good spirits, spirit guides or teachers, ancestors, or totem animals/ plants/ and stones). However when we who are Christian shamans work with these helper beings, we have tested them or should have tested them to see if they are of God, and we pray to and worship God and God alone. We do not pray to spirits or any being other then God and that includes angels. We ask God to send us helpers and show us our helpers, and we work with them, but God is always given all the glory for the work that gets done.




                                   ~Majik vs. Power~

Well from the pagan perspective there is no difference at all, but from a biblical world view there is a vast difference!

We must begin by defining majik. Magic means slight of hand, the art of stage illusion, as practiced by people like Houdini, and Chris Angel. Majik on the other hand is a force that is utilized through certain forbidden occult sciences by pagan peoples. Practices that constitute majik as laid out in scripture through the original languages. Majik is what is practiced by the kashaph. Contrary to popular belief which is instilled through the English translation of the bible (which is full of a great many mistakes) the words witch and witchcraft do not exist in the original bible. Two verses very common are “thou shalt not suffer a witch to live”, and “witchcraft is the sin of idolatry”; what it actually says is “thou shalt not suffer a kashaph to live”, and on further examination of the verse touted in so many churches about idolatry what scripture actually says is that “rebellion is as the sin of the kashaph, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry”.
Rebellion here is referring to rebellion against God, and stubbornness is referring to arrogance, small or narrow mindedness, haughtiness, a person who does not know how to compromise on some things in life, false prideful-ness, arrogance / egomania / egocentricity / narcissism before God (this is someone who idolizes themselves and worships themselves).
There is no exact translation of the word kashaph in the English language. They were evil sorcerers; some by intent, and others out of spiritual ignorance. A kashaph is someone who utilized the following forbidden practices:

Necromancy (summoning of the dead, disembodied spirits, and demons).
We do not need to summon anything. All we need do is ask God to send us the help we need, or think we need or want. Now we can ask for certain aids by name but we are asking God to send them. For example if I feel the need for great protection I will pray to God and invoke the name of Michael the Archangel when asking God for assistance. But I pray to God not to the angel. a necromancer in the bible is called an ob. The most famous ob in the bible is the woman who is now called the witch of Endor. But the word witch is misused when trying to render scripture here. The word is ob and it means necromancer. Séances are also therefore strictly forbidden in the bible.

The practice of Anan is forbidden. Anan means watcher of clouds and is usually wrongly misinterpreted as “observer of times”. Cloud watching as referred to here does not mean that God was forbidding the game of “what does that cloud shape look like to you?”, nor was it referring to the modern practice of meteorology. What it is referring to is the practice of predicting future events by cloud augury. predicting future events here isn’t referring to storms or whether but referring to personal predictions. For example if I were to look at clouds and divine that you are going to win the lottery, or loose a spouse, or have a baby in exactly two years then I would be committing the sin of Anan in scripture.

Divining the future called Qesem in scripture. This does not mean seeing the future as God shows it to us sometimes but rather it speaks of foretelling future events apart from the spirit of God. God shows me sometimes through a vision or through an oracle what will or may come to pass. But I give the glory to God and never seek to know the future outside of him. In fact I never seek knowledge of the future at all, though it is sometimes given. However if I tried to divine the future without God’s sanction or help then it would be a sin. Oracles should be about the present circumstances, the current life questions and events, the here and now, and decision making. The apostles cautioned people to use oracles with gravity and authority each with the gifts God had given to them, in the authority of Christ. The apostles threw lots to choose the replacement of Judas. Many today think this meant to cast a ballad or vote. However throwing lots was a form of oracle back in biblical days and can’t really be compared with voting at all. It was not a democratic decision they were seeking. The wants of the majority didn’t matter in the least. What they were seeking was a word from God about who he wanted as a replacement. Another oracle existed for the priesthood of the old testament that was similar somehow to the lots. The oracle of the Levite priesthood was a set of two mysterious stones called the urim and the thummim. Not all divination is bad; what is specifically forbidden is the divination of the future outside of the spirit of God. We are suppose to trust God for the future. We must believe that things will happen according to his divine will for the highest good of all. When I read an oracle I personally don’t care at all what will happen in the future. I have enough to worry about here and now. What I am concerned with is the present.
1 Pet 4:10-11
10           As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
11           If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

the sin of spell casting. A spell despite the noble intentions or sentiments of pagans, is ritual usually involving the use of words whereby a pagan tries to manifest their desires in the world through their own will, power, and authority with little consideration of the divine will, and usually calling upon the aid of disembodied spirits, false gods, and even demons. Pagans will contradict me here and say that spells are concentrated sending of prayers. However I have studied and witnessed enough spell casting to know better. Many spells end up becoming curses. Spell casting in the modern bible is usually and wrongly rendered or translated as whispering enchantments. Enchanting is a ritual now commonly called charging or empowering and is not a sin in the least. However enchanting can also entail using sensuality, seduction, gifts, talents, abilities, beauty, glamour, charisma, or other tools to inspire change, awe, growth, and evolution in the souls or realities of others. Now even though enchanting isn’t bad in and of itself, it can be used for bad or good.

The sin of Idolatry; the sin of human sacrifice, or animal sacrifice after new testament times, offerings to foreign or false gods. Idolatry is the sin of putting anything before God in your life, and this includes narcissism and the love of money which is the root of all evil. “Thou shalt have no other God’s before me saith the Lord”. “Hear oh Israel, the Lord our God is one God”. Another aspect of the sin of idolatry is temple prostitution. The temple prostitutes were said to be channels for various false gods. Sleeping with a temple prostitute is the equivalent of worshiping false gods. Another aspect of idolatry is gambling. This is not referring to setting a side a small sum of money to play games of chance with, but about throwing away and wasting large sums of income and the gifts God bestows on you on games of chance and putting yourself, your family, and your friends in bad positions. There is also talk of passing through the fire. This refers to two distinct practices in ancient times. One of these was sacrificing someone to a fire dedicated to a certain false god. This also refers to fire purification rituals or hot coal type of rituals if the fires are dedicated to false gods. Now if you do a hot coal ritual or pass through a Beltaine fire for purification for example and the fire is not dedicated to any false god, but is left undedicated or it is dedicated to the one true God then it is not a sin. Another issue here is the use of amulets, talismans, fetishes, and totems. This is all about perspective. If someone is placing their faith in these objects then their misplaced faith is a form of idolatry. If however they are using these objects as tools to keep their minds focused, to be mindful, and to remember God, and their faith is in God and in the energy of the prayers and blessings placed upon the objects by the Grace of God, then there is nothing wrong with using any of these tools.

The sins of unlawful behavior; these sins include adultery, fornication (unlawful sexual relations, like bestiality or incest), uncleanness (and un- hygienic-ness), lasciviousness, lies, hatred, rage, wrath, strife, heresies, enviousness (covetousness), murder, rape, and drunkenness.

The sin of pharmakeia; Pharmakeia  is the use of any substance to try and control other people against their will, to poison or kill people, to hypnotize people without their knowing, brainwashing people, causing people to go mad, or trying to force others to act against their own will or nature.

So there you go; a complete list of sins that are involved in kashaphism.
Energetic ritual practices are a whole other issue however.  Everything that exists in the created universe is made of energy. Every element of nature, every cell of your body, every molecule is energy. We can learn to use, utilize, wield, direct, channel, manipulate, and exercise some control over energy and how it flows and manifests. This is the tool that God has given us to live by. That which we are made of is our gift; our tool to use.  

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And s we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others”! 

Marianne Williamson
(Who was reportedly inspired to speak this after something Nelson Mandela said).

Rev. Lucien O'Corvi 
Mabon, in the year of our lord 2009


On Shielding;


Terms used in The Spirit-Hand Tradition;


Links to Articles on The Three Cauldrons;
 The 3 Cauldrons Volume 1; The Basics of The 3 cauldrons


Links to Posts on the Brehon;
Personal Brehon Medicine Chart
On The Brehon


Links for Etheric Cord Posts;
Etheric Cords part 1
Etheric Cords part 2
Etheric Cords part 3; cutting the Aka cords

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